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Momenteel offline
956 uur gespeeld
I played the original Natural Selection mod of Half-Life back when I was around 10 years old and have loved it ever since. I love what they've done with the sequel and it's definitely my #1 game. Why? It has great Alien vs. Marine 1st-person gameplay unlike anything I've seen, and it has a fantastic RTS element where one player on each team has to be a commander and is basically playing Starcraft with his real-life players. Highly recommended.
Shrike 4 sep 2017 om 17:14 
What does having Steam XP do, I wonder? Just... display the amount of time one is willing to spend on arbitrary goal achievement? : /
Ashrual 31 aug 2013 om 20:45 
you get a chance to try out Rise of The Triad?