Sam   London, City of, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Hello. I mostly play RPGs or fighters when it comes to gaming, although I tend to play a lot of indie games on here.

I am a HUGE fan of Pokemon and Final Fantasy.

When I'm not playing games or working, I can usually be found in seclusion, writing my book or playing my violin (named Vicky). Additionally, I write/draw freelance pieces for extra money but more than that, because it's fun.

"Draw a circle, not a heart, around the one you love because a heart can break, but a circle goes on forever."

"Distance is to love like wind is to fire; it extinguishes the weak and fans the strong."

Take care.
Sedang Offline
[nBn] Beebs 9 Jun 2017 @ 11:44pm 
You still play pokemon right? I've got a Water based gym team I'd like to test run if you're up for it?
[nBn] Beebs 23 Jun 2016 @ 1:32pm 
Saw you added Sonics to your wishlist- Grab a whole heaping stack of him for name-your-price, steam keys included
[nBn] Beebs 5 Des 2014 @ 11:45am 
[nBn] Beebs 27 Nov 2014 @ 2:29am 
You should stop posting pictures of your ♥♥♥♥ all over facebook, it's not classy
[nBn] Beebs 22 Sep 2013 @ 7:08am 
Have you ever heard of JDK (or possibly Falcom JDK)? They do the music for the Ys games, I've just discovered they're a proper band as well. I think you'd like them- as well as the standard three-guitars set up they frequently have a violinist and alternate between male and female vocalist.

Have a live performance the track at 13:10 seems up your street :D