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Pubblicazione: 15 ago 2016, ore 7:53


I have waited years. I never thought this day would come. For too long has the myths of of the old Norse gods gone unnoticed. Well its finally happened, Jotun is a beautifully crafted game which combines 4 things which i think make it an extremely enjoyable experience:

1. Its graphically amazing, quite literally it is like you are fighting you way across an artists book the depictions of locations and creatures of Norse myth has never ever been captured like this before, its beautiful to look at but dont spend too much time looking at the backdrop or you will be crushed underfoot by a Jotun.
2.Speaking of Death you will die alot, but its ok though for the most part the Jotuns are simple enough to beat that is if you are using the powers the gods give you but if you wanna be real hardcore and just go full beserk then you need to either get used to dying alot or you are going to have to get good fast.
3. Its unique: ive never ever played a game like this in which their is heartpounding fast paced action, puzzles and an engrossing story and yet this game pulls it off flawlessly.
4. Its Challenging: Jotun is a challenging game and it will test you to your limits there are 2 bosses especially which i had trouble on (i wont name them i will let you suffer them yourself >:) )

The only thing that i disliked about Jotun was the length its a very short game however it makes up for it by challenging you to do insane things like trying to beat a boss in under 25 seconds etc but overall a fantastic game extremely fun and would definitely reccomend.
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