Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
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4 van de 27 (15%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Employee of the Month

Find the missing shipment.
Ontgrendeld op 18 feb 2018 om 23:00

Chick Magnet

Unlock Magna.
Ontgrendeld op 19 feb 2018 om 0:31

Welcome to the Jungle

Unlock Hackman.
Ontgrendeld op 19 feb 2018 om 0:23

You Must Be a Fan

Complete all Ventilation levels.
Ontgrendeld op 19 feb 2018 om 0:19

You Had One Job

Hackman did his best to prevent you from being able to do this. Do it anyway.

Let There Be Light

Create and share a level for others to play.

Go Out and Play

Complete 10 levels created by other users.

Trading Places

Unlock Porter.

Leave You All Behind

Collect all Dataspheres originating from Spectacle accounts.

Face The Truth

Collect all Dataspheres written by Special Place users.

Nothing Really Matters

Collect all Dataspheres.

Boxed Line

Complete all Factory levels.

Environmentally Conscious

Complete all Greenhouse levels.

Absolute Zero

Complete all Containment levels.

Is This the Real Life?

Complete all Common Place levels.

Is This Just Fantasy?

Complete all Special Place levels.

No Escape From Reality

Complete all the levels in the game.

Incapable of Evil

Spare what is to be spared and complete marked levels.

Made This Way

Destroy what can be destroyed and complete marked levels.

We Don't Need Another Hero

Play through the game without the fifth wheel.

Metaphor Not Included

Find the hidden easter egg.


Do everything else and ascend to greatness.

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