Bemused Guilmon
I take it if you are looking at my profile its for VAC Bans or something for using the Negev and killing like 1/2 the team? Well sorry I don't have them I'm just good with Negev (Or you are very bad but to save pride lets say I'm good.). Want to learn how to use Negev? Sure I got 10 steps for you, welcome to Negev school. :toriel:

Negev School

Step 1 Aiming: So you find your bullets go way off from the crosshair yes? Don't use the crosshairs, after 5 bullets your gun pitches up and right, pull it down and left and don't let go of your fire button until you are certain you want to stop firing, pay attention to the bullet stream, not the crosshairs.

Step 2 ABC: Always Be in Cover, Takes your gun .5 seconds from firing to become a focused laser beam, you need cover so it can do its thing. Being in the open is at long range is worse thing you can do as a Negev.

Step 3 Short Range: You're a Negev, so limit yourself to short range fights until you can get the pull of the weapon right, and even then favor short range open areas not long range lots of cover for the enemy areas.

Step 4 Watch Ammo: As a Negev you have more ammo than anyone, 450. So its funny to say watch your ammo. However you have one of the longest reloads too so only reload when away from the enemy where they can't rush you.

Step 5 Switching: Being the heaviest weapons you're also the slowest, need to go to site A from B? Use your knife. Think it might have enemies? Use your pistol. Having the light powerwalk with the negev out won't get you there in time.

Step 6 Burst Trickery: If you have enemy pinned do a little trickery with your firing, burst, pause, burst, pause, burst. It might lure an adventurous soul out thinking you are out of ammo only to find...whoops. If not you'll make the enemy team do the potty dance as they decide if you fired 150 shots or was it only 123...

Step 7 Teamwork: You're a support weapon! Stop rushes by laying down that wall of lead then cry out "Help!" The team has about 10-15 seconds to rush to help you before your ammo belt is dry. Cover an allies advance with suppressive fire, fire bullets where the enemy can see them and want to get you, totally ignore your ally who is on the other side, watching...lure those little fishes for your team!

Step 8 Smoke Frenemies: Smokes can help you or get you killed, depends on the type. Smokes you have a 90 Degree shot on are your friends, enemies can't see your angle very well so use that. Smokes you are 180 degree from are not your friend, firing into a smoke where the enemy might be will get you killed cause they can see where you fire at.

Step 9 Listen: As a Negev you should try to be quiet and listen, 9/10 you'll hear the enemy rushing so make use of that and try and fire at the right moment. Not just that but also as a Negev you are the loudest gun there is, you don't know how scared you can be when a Negev starts firing at you from dead silence when you are a meter away.

Step 10 Have fun: If you don't like Negev don't force yourself, I played it for years cause I loved it but if you play with a weapon you hate why even bother?

Negev school over, hope it helped.

Also if you want to know how to say my name G-eee-oh-mon
crow™ 28 ago 2010, ore 9:09 
orientations are boring so I'mma postin' a comment.
Hai \o