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7.1 timer totalt (0.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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Yes, only about 0.5 hours but what I can write about is the music is great and sounds also. Dunno if they will have more tracks for the music later. If, I will love the same style.
The game itself, hard to say. Zooming in and out works very well. Have yet to play more but I hope this will not be another Folk Tale thing.
Publisert 27. april. Sist endret 27. april.
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17.0 timer totalt (2.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
You can look at things.Another thing ... I have no idea how the story goes but I like this so far. Cheers...
Publisert 27. januar.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
3.1 timer totalt (2.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Seems ok so far, music and sounds especially. If you are looking for or wanting to hear the voices from the movies, I can say without spoiling anything, you do not get them. Still, imo, they are ok. I have yet to play this more but as this was on sale, I think I'm not going to regret buying this. I do not like platform stuff but this is not the worst on that sense. Have played worse games than this but yes, do not expect to be having a movie stuff... Cheers... PS. Feeling kinda sad as I have to give this a negative "point". Buy it if you want to play a Gollum game, when on sale.
Publisert 20. januar. Sist endret 20. januar.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
7.6 timer totalt (1.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
There was that demo and if you missed it, it is your lost ;) They make movies out of games but they also (some) make this.
I suck on this and I don't know how to play, but this is cool especially if you have seen the first movie. Alex Murphy is there aka Peter... What are you waiting for? Some honey eh?
Publisert 11. november 2023.
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8.1 timer totalt (5.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
A story that makes you want more and more, of these kind of games. Walking a lot but here it is like reading a good book.. Don't read any (other...) reviews. Just buy the game and experience this yourself. Also, read books.
Publisert 11. november 2023.
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5.8 timer totalt (2.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
A bit of a surprise to me in a good way. Okay I did check this via other reviews, which is quite rare... heh. I mean, I never buy games because of reviews... though I might lie here, but who cares;)
Then again I bought this game because I was expecting something special and I (so far at least) got what i wanted.
It is a visual novel with voice (great I think) and some music in the background (not bad but not that great imo., can put them off).
As you can probably see, I've not played that much "yet" but have already liked this and will continue, at some point... because - there's probably, another way?
Highly recommended.
The story with voice, is pretty cool, so far at least. Don't miss this one! Worth the money spent? Yes, already :)
PS. Can I vote my review to be the best? I mean, I have some points left. For example, I edited this review already 11 times I think. That should count? I guess not.

Publisert 28. oktober 2023. Sist endret 27. november 2023.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
239.7 timer totalt (14.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Why not?

I like this a lot. The only problem so far I've seen is the version number top right side of the screen. That is good info, but should be somewhere else, not visible while you play. Otherwise, great game, maybe game of the year or more. RPG to be remembered and played a lot.

After this great review I go back to the world of Baldur's Gate 3.
Take care all!

Publisert 4. august 2023.
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0.3 timer totalt
Hi, I think many people do not understand the point of this game. They might think this is a rpg or fps of some kind. This is nothing like that. This is an adventure at least when you think about the ways you can move and how far you can go. Some so called open world games are very restricted, you know those kind of AAA ones. The opening screen music is pretty cool. For only that I give this game 5 stars out of 10. For the other 5, I would need some more but I think the developers will continue this and what the heck, they will deliver eventually. There's no dude in the world that could say that this could not work.
What can I say, either buy this or not but in the end, you would be fool not to enter the world of "What The Heck, Dude?". Just saying.
Some say this is a rip off. I say, like I care? Blame Steam or Valve or the world for this kind of peace sorry piece of ♥♥♥♥! This game, is not a game, but for 0,29 euros... ffs, I hate myself, I hate the world, I hate all of...
Take care, cheers...
PS. I got a Steam item by "playing this game". I can turn it into Gems. That's something, eh?
Publisert 20. mai 2023.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
42.9 timer totalt (5.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
If I say Yes now, will I not say it after or something? Who knows, so far I like this. Nobody likes this review. Who cares the ratings, I don't. Game is on and is great. PS. Music works.
Publisert 21. april 2023.
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18.3 timer totalt (9.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
The future of humankind? If I ever understand that I once was just a robot, I will play this game again, especially because I want to understand who I am.
I think, therefore I am is not enough.
PS. Good game.

Publisert 31. juli 2022.
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