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0.0 timmar senaste två veckorna / 34.4 timmar totalt (12.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd: 19 jun, 2019 @ 15:39
Uppdaterad: 14 dec, 2020 @ 18:42

This game was so good, in my opinion, that only hearing the theme on the store-page will resonate with my very body and I will close my eyes and shiver due to what I recall in my memory. It's practically a religious experience. Please play this game at some point in your life.
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2 kommentarer
Explorator Vacui✨ 11 jan, 2023 @ 17:10 
つづく Can you recommend me some good novels to read?
ѡɑɾʍ˽ρѻρρџ 14 mar, 2022 @ 3:30 
It is mighty kewl how a game with so simple graphics can produce such a vibrant world filled to the brim with vivid complexity. Coloured with its own language and lore.
Especially the Post-post-game threw me for a loop, as I was determined not to look-up anything.