Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

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11 van de 18 (61%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties


Practice your throwing skills - left and right!
Ontgrendeld op 23 dec 2023 om 5:23

On to adventure

Finish Act I.
Ontgrendeld op 23 dec 2023 om 5:33

Animal Friend

Free the wolf.
Ontgrendeld op 23 dec 2023 om 5:45

Upside Down

Finish Act II.
Ontgrendeld op 23 dec 2023 om 6:06


Play fetch with the dog until he is happy.
Ontgrendeld op 23 dec 2023 om 6:11


Really get on a villager's nerves.
Ontgrendeld op 23 dec 2023 om 6:12

Worth a try

Annoy Tonda and the bandits.
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2023 om 11:18

This is how it works

Free Tonda from a thread.
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2023 om 11:35


Finish Act IV.
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2023 om 11:47

Together we are not alone

Finish Act V.
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2023 om 11:54

Changing your fate

Finish Act III
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2023 om 11:12

An apple a day...

Make sure the bear is well fed.


Enjoy your newfound freedom.

On Dry Feet

Play through Act II without falling into the water.

Close Call

Attract the attention of the bandits three times without getting caught.


Riot on the stage of the fourth act.


A few more barrels than necessary....

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