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3 dari 37 (8%) pencapaian didapatkan:
Pencapaian Pribadi


Drag all the boxes
Didapatkan pada 30 Jul 2020 @ 3:25pm


Nikolai understood..
Didapatkan pada 30 Jul 2020 @ 3:26pm


Fall into the water on the second test
Didapatkan pada 30 Jul 2020 @ 3:33pm

Hit the bull's eye.

Die from a cannon shell

Higher mathematics

Solve the puzzle with weights


Survive in a room with gas

Can't wait!

Skip the cutscene

What a shock!

What an explosion!


Pass 1st test

Today is not my day

Die from enemy 10 times
0 / 10

End of torment

Get rid of the turret


Answer all questions correctly


Do not pull the lever

Not this time

Disable the turret

Strong Grasp

The enemy has caught you

Let there be light!

Turn on the generator

What a meeting!..


Half of fate

Go to the "second location"

On the heels

Detect the enemy in the "second location"

This is my life!

Take the pickaxe

Just a scratch

Die from the enemy

Curious Barbarian

Fall into trap

What could be worse?

Get the Worst End

And no problem!

Get an Abnormal End

Exit at 0

Get a Depressing Ending

Everything will change..

Get the Best Ending

I'm fed up

Get an "equal" end

Like a bird

Fly on a tire


Discard the chase by shooting

Sense of humor

Get the joke

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