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Публикувани: 5 февр. 2015 в 1:44
Обновени: 28 ян. 2018 в 11:54

Subnautica looks great and runs surprisingly well. I haven't experienced poor framerates or any crashes so far. Very promising game, looking forward to see how it progresses in the coming months. As of now, there's not a ton of stuff to do except exploring and crafting the few items available. I'd say you can do it all in a matter of an hour or two. If you expect a solid feature rich game, save your money for now.

However, If you (like me) are curious to see where the game's headed and want to support the devs and provide feedback, the game's well worth the 20€ in my opinion. Unknown Worlds Entertainment have a proven track record and I'm very confident that the game will be finished. Updates are coming all the time and the game just gets better and better.

Subnautica has finally launched and, of course, I had to give it another go. When I bought early access, the game was very light on content and heavy on promises. 3 years have passed and I have to say that this is now THE best survival game money can buy. The game is polished, runs well and looks gorgeous.

At first glance the world is perhaps a bit on the small side, but unlike most survival games, this game takes place under water and therefore adds a little more depth to the world (pun intended). The game is incredibly deep (again, pun intended) and allows you to live out your Robinson Crusoe, Charles Darwin, Jacques Cousteau and Bear Grylls fantasies all at once.

The guys at Unknown Worlds have made a fantastic game. There's a whole new world waiting for you as you go deep into the terrifying, claustrofobic and disorienting cavesystems in Subnautica...
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