Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
8 of 31 (26%) Prestaties behaald::

Persoonlijke prestaties

A Dashing Entrance

Survive a jump into a hallway
Ontgrendeld op 12 feb om 20:20

Sky Walker

Survive a Walker leg
Ontgrendeld op 12 feb om 20:14

A Single Bound

Jump clear over a building and survive
Ontgrendeld op 12 feb om 20:35

Look Out Below

Toss 50 obstacles out of your way
Ontgrendeld op 12 feb om 20:35


Complete the Bombardment challenge
Ontgrendeld op 14 feb om 11:07


Complete the Invasion challenge
Ontgrendeld op 12 feb om 20:45


Complete the Fractured challenge
Ontgrendeld op 12 feb om 20:24

Leap of Faith

Complete the Leap of Faith challenge
Ontgrendeld op 12 feb om 20:17

Welcome to Erf

Find the Mothership

The Runslinger

Find the Dark Tower

Volcano Base

Find the Volcano Base

Drill Fortress

Find the Drill Fortress

Dome City

Find the Dome City


Complete the Defenestration challenge

Defenestration (2P)

Complete the Defenestration challenge with two players

Bombardment (2P)

Complete the Bombardment challenge with two players


Complete the Purity challenge

Purity (2P)

Complete the Purity challenge with two players

Invasion (2P)

Complete the Invasion challenge with two players

Fractured (2P)

Complete the Fractured challenge with two players

Leap of Faith (2P)

Complete the Leap of Faith challenge with two players


Complete the Panic challenge

Panic (2P)

Complete the Panic challenge with two players

Box Tripper

Complete the Box Tripper challenge

Box Tripper (2P)

Complete the Box Tripper challenge with two players


Complete each of the challenge districts

Escape (2P)

Complete each of the challenge districts with two players

4 verborgen prestaties resterend

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