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Nedávné recenze uživatele MrMuse

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Nikdo dosud neohodnotil tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
10.7 hodin celkem (4.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Quite fun but extremely slow start and glitchy in places. You can't really fault it for what it costs.
Odesláno 7. září.
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Nikdo dosud neohodnotil tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
0.8 hodin celkem
Extremely short VN full of schoolgirl fantasy. BLEH
Odesláno 6. září.
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36 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
3 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
71.6 hodin celkem
*edit* please note that throughout this review I have COMPARED AND CONTRASTED V to a soulslike not said it is one. It would seem that reading comprehension is not everyone's strong point. To this end I have added several explanations in parenthesis which might otherwise have been unneeded.

Brilliant and unique game that plays like a soulslike (in terms of difficulty and the desired approach to boss fights) with a heavy bias toward crafting and base design (if soulslikes were top down rather than third person).
V Rising is difficult enough that it wont be for everyone. There is very little hand-holding and there are many things that aren't explained very well and, especially at the start, players may die so frequently that they give up and post a negative review.

As with a soulslike you sometimes feel like you can't progress. But unlike those games you are always free to go and explore completely different areas of the map. This somewhat eliminates the feeling of being hard locked into a situation you are just fed up of failing at which you get from a soulslike and it's entirely possible that you luck out into seeing one of your boss targets attacked by another, nip in, and finish the pair of them.
There are a LOT of boss targets in this game, you pick the one you want to go for and track them through a blood scent that guides you to their often changing location. They all fight very differently and almost every one will be a challenge.

Crafting elements and your personal spell loadout are varied and sometimes complex but every boss victory will unlock the means to improve your build in one way or another - such as schematics to make a station to craft better clothing, new spell unlocks, or new tiles and objects for your castle.
The game measures your "level" by the quality of your gear but that number is really just to give you an idea of who you have a chance of beating and who you don't.
If you ever manage to finish the game either in solo or co-op there is a thriving pvp community due to the many different ways you can set up your spells.
At this point I can't say that maxing the difficulty setting appeals but there is a heck of a lot of game life here. There are far too many little highlights to mention in a short review but capturing servants and prisoners to use as feed bags or be sent out to farm resources and the fact that you can unlock various kinds of shapeshifting forms that are helpful in different ways number among them.

As I can't stand the souls approach to game design, and repeated early and boss fight deaths initially made me feel it had strong soulslike elements, I thought there was a fair chance i'd hate this game but it has turned out to be one of my all time favourites.
Odesláno 24. srpna. Naposledy upraveno 17. září.
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11 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
43.2 hodin celkem (39.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
It's extremely frustrating when the game freezes up and it does this especially when playing Maggot Kin (Nurgle).
This said, you really shouldn't let that deter you. The three factions, Nurgle, Stormcast, and Haunt are very varied and play differently enough to afford great variety. Also adding to this is how units within the factions work and each can be set up very differently. Lastly, once you have mastered each of the factions in slay the spire type choose a path campaigns you have the option of going pvp to see if you really did understand the meta or not.
Even if you don't like pvp the single player aspect is more than enough to keep you going for many hours....just don't give up early as every playthrough and defeat will make your warbands and your understanding of how things work more effective.
The store page cutscenes are very misleading so I'd subtract a point for that and another for the glitching. But Stormground still gets a solid 8/10 for its deep strategic elements. There is a lot of game here for what it costs and I honestly don't think it deserves such a poor overall user rating.
Odesláno 17. srpna. Naposledy upraveno 17. srpna.
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230 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
129.0 hodin celkem (126.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
After having played the original Skyrim for more than 125 hours I didn't really feel the desire to get special edition or its anniversary upgrade until I managed to pick up anniversary at an extremely low price.
Firstly, I'd like to explain the various versions as many people may well be as confused by them as i was.

1. Skyrim (vanilla): This and number 2 are not the same game as those that came after and mods for either do not generally work with the other so for some who like older mods vanilla could still be a worthwhile option but I'd rec against.
2. Legendary Edition - vanilla skyrim plus the 3 dlc expansions.
3. Special Edition - A reworking of the original game including its 3 expansions. It gave minor enhancements to the bulk of the game also improved visuals and a big improvement in terms of difficulty balancing. It also introduced "creator" which is basically a mod store and mod management system.
4. Anniversary Edition - Special Edition plus 78 "creator" mods that would have cost you a boatload of cash had you bought them with creator credits. This is 100% the best version of the game in my opinion and also why the anniversary upgrade dlc has bad reviews - people who bought everything it offered with creator credits prior to its release were not happy about it.

As of 2024 you would expect that a 13 year old game wouldn't be worth your time. As a person who already played vanilla for 125 hours I'm here to tell you that thinking is completely wrong.
Due to more than a decade of continued development, modding by both Bethesda and many outside sources, Skyrim remains completely relevant to modern gaming, is far better than it ever was, the creator page gives you a great way to select and manage both official and independent mods, and there is more than enough here to warrant multiple replays and tinkering with mods post initial run.
Personally I'd say get anniversary (or special and buy the anniversary upgrade dlc - whichever is cheapest depending on your circumstance) and to play anniversary edition before adding any other mod options.
It is easy to see why a good game which brought so much to the genre in terms of the little touches, but ultimately fell flat due to your character simply becoming far too powerful before getting to the "end", still endures. You will still become "op" at some point but it is nowhere near as easy as it originally was and the use of "legendary" skills removing the level cap mean that you wont be playing the final third of your game feeling like your character is just going through the end of storylines with no personal advancement.

The only sad part about playing Skyrim Anniversary edition in 2024 is the realisation that whilst Skyrim itself has evolved over that time there has been very little done outside of Skyrim to advance open world non party based RPGs.
Odesláno 13. srpna. Naposledy upraveno 13. srpna.
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7 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
73.7 hodin celkem (6.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
VERY cool game. Best card battler I've played to date. Decent story, full of quirky humour, Tanacious D style soundtrack, and a card theme reminiscent of creature collect games like Pokemon. Deck customisation is also varied and engaging. This doesn't follow the template for boring straight up battles or pick-a-lane type card battlers but works more like a deck builder RPG. What more could anyone want from a card battler

Unique graphics / art style 10/10
Gameplay 10/10
Soundtrack 8/10
Story and Quest composition 9/10
Variety / Customisation and collection of decks 10/10
Difficulty / Balancing 9/10
Price / Value 10/10
Odesláno 20. července. Naposledy upraveno 21. července.
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1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
16.9 hodin celkem (10.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Grid based movement is a bit tiresome these days but aside from that this is a great game. If you're looking for an open world old school dungeon crawler packed with quests then this is a fantastic buy.
Odesláno 18. července. Naposledy upraveno 18. července.
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5 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
10 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
0.1 hodin celkem
released 2022? More like 1990. I guess Bethesda have come a long way despite the haters. But this is REALLY bad for modern gamers and doesn't work well on a decent system. No tutorial, sound is choppy, movement jumps all over the place. Optimised retro can be okay. This isn't that. It's a "hell no" from me.
Odesláno 17. července.
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6 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
0.0 hodin celkem
Tamurkhan still suffers from the typical slow expansion of all Nurgle and the units are expensive compared to most other factions. This makes him the weakest of the 3 "thrones" dlc in terms of IE value. Despite this he is the strongest of the Nurgles, the plague mechanic is cool and fun, and, for what it costs (much as the other thrones dlcs) Tamurkhan represents hours of alt fun on the new map if you are more interested in story than you are in simple Immortal Empires worth and mechanics. Personally I find him more fun to play than Elspeth despite being weaker overall. Neither of them can touch Malakai.
Odesláno 13. července.
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4 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
0.0 hodin celkem
Not as good as Malakai but still a fantastic dlc. People down voting this only do so because all they see is a minor addition to the boring and long IE campaign. Use them in the new map and you will learn of the fantastic value. Story over pure mechanics people!
Odesláno 12. července. Naposledy upraveno 12. července.
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