Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
1. Cyberpunk 2077 - September 17 2020 :steamhappy:
2. EverQuest Next - 3. Chrono Odyssey
4. MIR 5 MMORPG - 5. Path of Exile 2

1. Axis of Eternity

1. Humankind
2. GTA VI Online
3. Bioshock 4
4. Beyond Good and Evil 2
5. Borderlands 4
6. NCsoft Project TL
7. Ashes of Creation
8. Half Life 3
9. Dragon Age 4
10. Civilization MMO

- EverQuest Next

Favoriten / Favorites:
1. Heroes of the Storm (Free to play)
2. Humankind - Amplitude
3. Cyberpunk 2077
4. Guild Wars 2

- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Armello
- Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U
- Endless Legend
- Divinity: Original Sin
- Trove (Free to play)
- Firefall (Free to play)
- Orcs Must Die! Unchained (Free to play)
- Oort Online
- Tabletop Simulator
- Please Knock on my Door
- Moon Hunters
- Don't Starve Together
- Tropico 4
- Offworld Trading Company
- Project Spark (Free to play)
- Command & Conquer: Renegade X (For Free / Gratis)

Gilde / Clan:
ÜbelBlatt Qwaser 荒坂 EQN
毒島 岸本 散華 成宮
岸本 荒坂 毒島 EQN
恵 荒坂 Norrath
Kei Arasaka Norrath
Norrath Arasaka Gantz HOTD

SaekoHTD Gantz Übelblat -
Sæko Gantz Übelblat

Nippon daisuki!
Katō (name) ;
Shunkō (company) ; Logo: Yoruichi with Shunko lightning wings
西本 Nishimoto ( 西 Nishi = West + 本 Hon = book, present, main, origin, true, real )

yes enjoy every moment ;)

Cyberpunk was supposed to be the best & biggest game ever
The most important game/story places/features/featured events:
1. The Tower of Arasaka
2. The Festival with floating platforms
3. Food stalls
4. ??? (The Outlands - Nomads - The only girl of the game you can romance with)
Also the only anime about Fukuoka (Hakata Tonkotsu Rames) has many similarities with Cyberpunk 2077. The city has many mercenaries, the main caharacter is a woman/man, the bar is like the bar in the game, the sex is there Jigii street is like Nakasu.
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[WKB✿] 你的你 #fixtf2 May 14, 2018 @ 9:18pm 
*kisses u*
Nagandrea Jan 3, 2018 @ 6:18am 
hppy newyer/.
[WKB✿] 你的你 #fixtf2 Mar 25, 2017 @ 4:29pm 
it is only temporary
[WKB✿] 你的你 #fixtf2 Jan 18, 2017 @ 10:51am 
[WKB✿] 你的你 #fixtf2 Dec 4, 2016 @ 12:34pm 
Mox Aug 5, 2016 @ 11:25am 
Such a friendly guy! :D