ShadowG 22/out./2014 às 12:11 
Whats the difference between Liverpool and a teabag? A teabag stays in a cup longer. :boomer::boomer::boomer:
ShadowG 18/dez./2010 às 13:36 
Filthy Liverpool fan.
Sebb 5/mai./2010 às 9:05 
I know him he no cheat!
KLar. 26/jan./2010 às 7:31 
ukrainian tanks
stonycreek 24/jan./2010 às 4:54 
heey cutie :D
Impuls 28/set./2009 às 12:39 
aren't you my boyfriend plasma?
plasma® 21/set./2009 às 10:31 
1mpuls isn't gay....his boyfriend is!