Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
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2 van de 63 (3%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Shell shock

You met a talking shell called Ishmashell.
Ontgrendeld op 21 feb 2019 om 22:57

Caught in the game

You tried to sneak past the guards... And failed!
Ontgrendeld op 21 feb 2019 om 22:56

Suspicious minds

You've found your primary suspect.

The mind is a terrible thing to test

You passed the test! Well, one of many.

Forged in fire

And water. And air. And earth.

Feeble screams from forests unknown

You have safely entered Phantom Forest.

Sleeping village

You made it into Hunter's Edge.

Push it

You pushed this one button we wanted you to push. Congratulations!

Grande finale

You have totally, completely, and utterly finished the game! Woooo!!!!1

54 verborgen prestaties resterend

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