Efraim Ugglefru   Stockholms Lan, Sweden

sentient ground of the light shrine shining
how I wish somebody'd
make them voices go away
seems they're always talking
but they ain't got much to say
well a picture's worth a thousand words
but a word ain't worth a dime
we all know they'll go on talking
till the end of time

the way isn’t hard to find
just avoid choosing
when preferences are gone
it’s perfectly clear
the slightest distinction
parts heaven and earth
to find it right now
stop taking sides
fighting over sides
is an illness of the mind
until you understand the mystery
you still your thoughts in vain
it’s perfect like the void
nothing missing nothing extra
because you grab and throw away
it doesn’t look like that to you
don’t chase dependent things
don’t settle for emptiness either
in all-embracing oneness
everything disappears completely
staying still and trying not to move
you end up moving more
why be trapped in dualities
realize opposites are the same
not knowing they’re the same
you waste your time either way
denying existence or nonexistence
you trade one emptiness for another
the more you think or talk
the less sense you make
once you stop thinking and talking
there’s nothing that isn’t clear
returning to the root you find the meaning
chasing the light you end up confused
reflect on this right now
better now than before it’s all empty
whatever happens before it’s all empty
comes from deluded views
no need to look for the truth
just put an end to views
don’t cling to dualities
and don’t seek them out
once a yes or no appears
confusion clouds the mind
two exist because of one
let one go as well
as long as no thought arises
nothing is wrong with anything
nothing wrong and no things
no thoughts and no thinking
the actor disappears with the stage
the stage disappears with the actor
the stage exists because of the actor
the actor exists because of the stage
realize both of them
are one and the same emptiness
one emptiness containing two
altogether ten thousand things
if you don’t distinguish fine or coarse
how can you be biased
the way at heart is all-embracing
it isn’t hard or easy
those with doubts or narrow minds
take longer the more they try
grab it and you lose perspective
you’re sure to go astray
let it be the way it is
it doesn’t leave or stay
accepting your nature being one with the way
you’ll know no discontent
controlling your thoughts opposing the truth
you’ll sink into negativity
exhausting yourself in negativity
what use is leaving home
regardless of the path you take
give the dust of sensation no thought
giving the dust of sensation no thought
this is the same as enlightenment
the wise do nothing
fools become entangled
nothing differs from anything else
but deluded people love to cling
objectifying the mind to cultivate the mind
what a great mistake
peace and disorder arise from delusion
enlightenment includes neither bad nor good
each and every duality
is due to measures or scales
why bother trying to grab
a dream an illusion a flower in the sky
profit and loss right and wrong
let them go right now
when you’re no longer asleep
dreams vanish by themselves
when you don’t differentiate
everything is real
what is real at heart is a mystery
be quiet and forget about reasons
view everything the same
return to letting things be
when reasons are gone
what use are examples
be still and movement ceases
move and stillness ends
if neither is right
how can one be good
go beyond all limits
don’t follow patterns or rules
focus on equanimity
stop whatever you’re doing
get rid of lingering doubts
put your trust in samadhi
let nothing at all remain
nothing that leaves a trace
let the empty light shine
don’t try to exert your mind
this isn’t the domain of reason
much less perception or feeling
In the dharma realm of suchness
neither self nor other exists
if you’re ready right now
just say not two
not two is all-inclusive
there is nothing it doesn’t contain
the sages of every world
all achieve this understanding
an understanding that transcends time
a thought that lasts ten thousand years
there is nowhere it isn’t present
wherever you look it’s there
It’s smaller than small and bigger than big
forget dimensions and states
it’s bigger than big and smaller than small
don’t look for boundaries or edges
it exists but doesn’t
it doesn’t but does
what isn’t like this
you have to let go
it’s one and all things
it’s all things and one
if you can be like this
why care you’re not done
trust the mind free of dualities
free of dualities trust the mind
it’s where language can’t go
it’s not past future or present