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152.9 h en tout (19.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I bought this game during the 2017 Summer Sale for $3, but in retrospect it would have easily been worth the fair market value of $15. This sums up my first hour of gameplay:

While circling the island in a stolen speedboat with the intent of identifying as many points of interest as possible, I noticed what appeared to be a major airport on my map. But when I scanned the area with my Mark-I eyeballs all I could see was green forest and mountains. So I ran my speedboat aground to investigate. Referencing the map again while standing on the beach, the airport was dead ahead but all I could see was some trees at the base of a cliff. So I used the grappling hook to climb the cliff face and...TA-DA, imagine my surprise to be standing at the the end of a runway on a military airport. I didn't know it was military at first, until a shadow went over me and I looked up just in time to see a C-17 military transport complete final and touch down maybe 100 feet in front of me. Good pilot. And then I heard a few bullets hiss and snap past my head. No clue where they came from since enemies don't show up on the map, but my back was to the ocean and planes were landing directly in front of me, so it had to be coming from my right. I sprinted in that general direction and headed for the nearest building to take cover. When I got there I decided to keep sprinting since the shots sounded like they came from pretty far off, so imagine my surprise when I came around the corner of the building and saw about 5 commando-looking guys running right at me; great minds think alike. So I stop, take real good aim at the first guy's head, and hold down the trigger to headshot him and spray everybody near him. And instead of bullets coming out, my f*****g grappling hook comes out- I forgot to switch back to a weapon after climbing that cliff, I was so dumbfounded by being on an active military runway and then taking fire. It hooks this "bad guy" and he comes flinging at me, all the while I"m furiously spinning my mouse wheel to change weps. So while the guy is in mid-air my grappling hook disconnects, I switch to weapons, and I'm shooting this guy in mid-air as he's flying towards me. His body goes spinning off to the side as the bullets slam into him. Wasn't expecting that. So I switch to the hook again while the other 4 guys are still trying to figure out what to do. I mash the button to snag this other guy, but in all the excitement I don't let go (guess I thought I still had a full auto gun out). The hook snags onto him, but it's still connected to my arm and not pulling him. What gives??? Well the last enemy I panicked, changed guns, and started shooting. So I let go of the trigger to switch guns, and the guy comes flying at me. Ahhh.... so if I click and hold, it won't retract! Got it. So then I snag a 3rd guy, but while experimenting I take fire and try to look around to see where it's coming from. As I scanned for the shooter I accidentally let go of the trigger, and the grappling hook shot out of my arm again. What the f**k??? The other end of the grappling hook shot out and attached to what appeared to be an O2 tank, or a tank of some sort of pressurized gas. Just to make sure I'm actually seeing this I look at the bad guy again, I see the grappling hook attached to him and he's as stunned as I am, so I backpedal as fast an possible and decide to shoot at the tank of pressurized gas. I figure it'll explode. It doesn't. It squeels for a second, I see vapor shooting out of it, and this tank shoots off the rack it was on and drags the bad guy along with it. So as I'm watching this 02 tank corckscrewing through the air while dragging a screaming guy behind it, I couldn't help but giggle. And then it exploded.
That's when I knew that this was money well spent.
Évaluation publiée le 5 juillet 2017. Dernière modification le 5 juillet 2017.
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