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Pubblicazione: 23 feb 2018, ore 21:38
Aggiornata: 21 mag 2019, ore 9:01

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Risposta dello sviluppatore:
1CGS - Jason  [sviluppatore] Pubblicazione: 20 mar 2018, ore 17:43
There has never been a documented incident with how we store your credentials for playing IL-2 or any of our games. Also, no credit card data is stored within our game nor on our website and we use secure 3rd party processors for transactions and follow PCI compliant procedures for credit card processing. However, we have plans to change how this information is stored in the near future rendering posts like these unnecessary.

And for those trying to somehow connect us to a company called FSLabs, we have NOTHING to do with that company or any of their practices. To suggest such a relationship is libelous.
290 commenti
erikmendes.2005 12 ott 2022, ore 15:21 
this is why i read reviews, thank you.
zappyscarab 12 ott 2022, ore 2:20 
bakenbeans32 6 ott 2022, ore 20:39 
@Corrado.conti well said, thats exactly how I see it as well.
bakenbeans32 6 ott 2022, ore 20:35 
Wow, Jason. I was considering buying the game, definetly wont now, since you consider all constructive criticism, as "libel". That's F*cking pathetic dude. These people are trying to help you. And you literally spit in their face by saying everythign they said is "libelous"
"To suggest such a relationship is libelous" your words exactly. Do you plan on seeking legal action for these "libelous suggestions" and statements? No? well then, i think you damn well know, that nothing said here, was libelous. Your pathetic case certainly wouldnt hold up in a court of law. Especially since when you made the game and put it on steam, you accepted that there may be criticisms, in the form of REVIEWS. This is some of the most pathetic and straight up scandalous shit, ive ever seen from a dev.

I honestly cant get over your suggestion that "suggesting such a relationship is libelous"
VolatileVix 3 ott 2022, ore 17:34 
I was going to buy this, but after reading this... I wont.
Custard 3 ott 2022, ore 11:12 
I won't buy a game that does this. Even if it's on sale.
CristalFlavor 2 ott 2022, ore 9:29 
This is serious but... It's so over reacted at the same time! Come on, man...
corrado.conti 30 set 2022, ore 0:21 
Making a mistake is OK. We all do. The difference is how to handle the fallout. You guys made a great game but let me give you a piece of advice: when a customer makes a well founded critique of your work, it is best to address the issue and move on. Getting into a tit for tat does nothing to the customer but it sure as hell damages your reputation.
I see this a lot with writers on Amazon.(Before they eliminated responses). Bad idea.
If I had read the original post exposing the issue (which is a serious one because I know first hand how many people use Password123! on their accounts) and I saw you respond with grace, humility and a prompt fix, I would have chalked it up to people too busy making a great game that made a mistake.
Deleting posts and bad mouthing customers (not Karens) is a shame. It's beneath a serious businessman.
That's what I find unforgivable.
Thomas Anderson 15 set 2022, ore 16:51 
Ahhh I see. Ok I was under the impression this was a good-faith discussion. I see it is not. So I see that you said a lot justifying Jason's accusation of libel (though implication only) without addressing anything I said about customer service, which is a trade skill learned on a business 101 level.

As for whether or not people buy the game, I'm totally fine if they do. I said in the review you're replying to that its a good game. (Did you bother to read it?) The point I'm making is Jason's attitude, which you do not address, is costing his company money.

Question: How much is the DLC worth? Multiply that by the number of likes on this review.
lonewolf 15 set 2022, ore 16:05 
No worries man. I wrote that he did NOT say your review is libelous as you keep claiming. He said "for those trying to somehow connect us to a company called FSLabs" which would NOT include you and this review unless you did that somewhere on a different post.

You eagerly indulge in hyperbole throughout your post and have admitted this is a personal grudge against Jason for his bad response. Takes most of the sting out of your argument is all I'm saying. People keep buying up the game and the new DLCs so I guess it's no big deal in the end.