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Pubblicazione: 21 ago 2021, ore 21:03

The premise of this game is amazing. The company you work for go to dying people and "fix" their memories to match up with the person's wishes in a previously made contract. That alone is reason enough to buy it for it's originality. The result is to be expected; a view of many important moments in a person's life. That is why it is so powerfully moving for other's in the comment. Inevitably, you will have to look at yourself along that journey.

The graphics are pretty good for pixel art. The music is fitting and beautiful at times. The story and mood of the game is it's main selling point.

Where it flounders are minor annoyances. Let me run. I guess it does break immersion for some, but the game's story drags a bit, and at times it was very much like reading a book. You are almost done, but you want to stop reading for the day but you feel compelled to continue and can't stop. I ended up finishing it in one sitting. With that said, running, or maybe a shortening of the story to make it more succinct would have been good. But the story is still great.

The other is that I wish there was a log of what was said somewhere. This game allows skipping dialogue (one click writes out the whole two lines of text if you are a fast reader.) When you click twice it skips it. With a game of this much text it's bound to happen once or twice. It would be nice to see what I missed.
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