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1 of 15 (7%) Uppnådda prestationer::

Personliga prestationer

Gross, It's All Wet

Acquire the Soul of Dagon.
Upplåst 19 aug, 2023 @ 12:44

Gross, It's All Sandy

Acquire the Soul of Nyarlathotep.

Gross, It's All Slimy

Acquire the Soul of Cthulhu.

These Timeless Words

Perform the Ritual of Binding.

What Final Horror

Escape the Mountains of Madness.

A Marvel I Cannot Fathom

Finish the game in New Game+ mode.

Never Enough Time

Finish the game in under 10 minutes.

Not a Scratch

Finish the game without taking any damage.

All That Junk

Deposit 9,999 artifacts in the bank chest.

Well Read

Read the complete History of the Library.

Soul Purpose

Free 500 trapped souls from the Asylum.

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