✪ Pierro
Quebec, Canada
cl_crosshairstyle 4
cl_crosshairsize 1
cl_crosshairgap -1
cl_crosshairthickness 0

cl_crosshairStyle 4
cl_crosshairSize 3.5
cl_crosshairgap -2
cl_Crosshairthickness 1.5

cl_crosshairStyle 4
cl_crosshairSize 3
cl_crosshairgap -2
cl_Crosshairthickness 1.15
Currently Offline
byteframe's cat Dec 21, 2019 @ 6:47am 
🌸 ღ 🎄 ღ 👑 ღ 🐳 ღ 💛 ღ 🔋 ღ 🍖 ღ 🐟 ღ 💙 ღ 👹
🥒 ღ 📒 ღ 🍇 ღ 📗 ღ 💗 ღ 🚕 ღ 🐛 ღ 🎁 ღ 📕 ღ 🍧
I *____knew* I had some reason for not logging you off... If I could just
remember what it was.

👃 ღ 🚙 ღ 🎫 ღ 💄 ღ 👳 ღ 🎈 ღ 🕺 ღ 🌳 ღ 🥗 ღ 👾
cilinders Dec 22, 2018 @ 8:47am 
like 5 -rep goes afk for first 6 rounds comes back and asks why we don't have money to buy XDDDDD
csmoney promo bot Dec 22, 2018 @ 7:08am 
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