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13 van de 13 (100%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Paticipation Pug

You made it to the bottom of the cliff.
Ontgrendeld op 4 jun 2020 om 14:20


Explore all paths in the forest
Ontgrendeld op 4 jun 2020 om 14:19

You Monster

Attempt to kill the puppies
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 7:40

Hunter Gatherer

Collect the apple.
Ontgrendeld op 4 jun 2020 om 14:55

I have the power!

Pick up the short sword. Look at the short sword in inventory.
Ontgrendeld op 4 jun 2020 om 14:48

My buddy

Feed apple to Dumbo.
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 7:30

Alternative Facts

The player has their first ghost encounter at the priest’s house.
Ontgrendeld op 4 jun 2020 om 14:52

Beast Master

Never attempt to or succeed at hurting any wolves.
Ontgrendeld op 4 jun 2020 om 14:48

Learned Scholar

Find and read all written materials.
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 7:57

Death becomes you

Experience death, any type the same or different five times.
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 7:09

Friend of Death

Experience death, nine times.
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 7:27

Key Master

Collect all the keys in the game.
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 7:25

Puzzle Master

Complete the pillar puzzle.
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 7:35