Spielzeit letzte 2 Wochen:

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2 von 29 (7 %) Errungenschaften erreicht:
Persönliche Errungenschaften


Entered the dungeon for the first time
Am 28. Dez. 2018 um 20:53 freigeschaltet

Baby Steps

Found the first dungeon exit
Am 28. Dez. 2018 um 21:00 freigeschaltet

Dungeon Girl

Unlocked all achievements in Dungeon Girl

Big Fish

Defeated the first dungeon boss

Mix and Match

Crafted an item for the first time


Cleared 100 floors of the dungeon

Royal Explorer

Cleared 200 floors of the dungeon

All the King's Men and Women

Unlocked all Friends

It Takes All Kinds

Unlocked all Types

Collector Spirit

Completed Item Inventory

It's a Zoo

Completed Enemy Inventory

A Leisurely Chat

Unlocked an extra Story with Friend Points

The Friend of a Friend

Unlocked a new character with Friend Points


Fully completed a character's Friend Map

Full Power

Have a full grid of Attack panels and use it to hit an enemy


Gather 99 Keys, 99 Loot and 99 Treasures in one dungeon dive

A Keen Mind

Recover from 1% Mind without having to escape dungeon

Cauldron of Greed

Created a rarity 9 item from lower ingredients

11 versteckte Errungenschaften verbleibend

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