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기록상 0.0시간
Game ran fine before, now crashes randomly every few minutes.
Performance was fine for the 7 or so minutes i played.
But i just closes without notice now.
2024년 6월 21일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 0.0시간
While i like the idea of the clan and how it plays, its too weak and its conquest has missions that are literally impossible to win with the current balance.

The clan heavily struggles to stay alive, has awful Happiness, has bad food (despite it having a solid tech for that) and money is also bad at the start.
Military is ok, because the clan has some good options.
I like the Bowmen especially when buffed alot they are insanely strong.
The Hero is pretty much the most stupid and boring one to have, slow, melee omg.

The second main Conquest Mission asks you to protect and egg against 6 opponents constantly spamming soldiers and heros.
Killed the hero of the same player 3 times and he still has them every 2 minutes.
Meanwhile one of my Lynx died in combat and it needs like 10 minutes until i can respawn it.
Thats ignoring the fact that the 6 enemies stack over 10 units each attacking the dumb egg and your base, without ever having to wait for new villagers.

Sad, because it could be fun.
Literally the first clan we need to abandon the conquest run with due to it not being possible to win.
2024년 6월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 2.1시간 (평가 당시 0.8시간)
A bit weird, a bit cheap (visuals, sound etc.) but still kinda fun numbers game.
It basically is just a numbers game. You buy parts to increase stats of zombies, you use those stats to generate more resources that you invest to gain better stats and thus more resources.
You then also use these zombies and their stats to kill demons auto-battle.
Thats it.
Your options are:
Buy parts for zombies (raise stats), buy equip for zombies (dagger = more dmg, armor = more defense), a relic shop to buy some buffs and a trader to sell stuff.
Again, thats it.

Your entire game is one screen, the town view, where you purchase or create the stuff. Afterwards you place your zombies in some sort of worker placement to perform jobs. Again, low production volume, its just a screen with 5 pictures and multipliers.
Auto-battler has units just attack and moan with cheap sound effects.

Its still a game you can enjoy.
Sure, theres better out there, but nothing here is really bad or unfun, its just a bit cheap and limited in every area.
Get it on sale if you are unsure if Auto-Battler Workerplacement is your jam.
I can see me putting 3 or so hours into this until im bored.
2024년 6월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 0.0시간
Not worth it and i only paid 1,50€.
The Campaign isnt interesting enough, the Maps really suck hard. Theres bushes constantly blocking paths causing you incredibly long paths to get into action. Only getting like 100 metres in one direction needs you to walk 500 metres back and forth around bush barriers. Annoying.

The Zombie mode is the most annoying and boring mode in the game, even when compared to the lowest rated mods.
You are alone against an enemy faction and zombies, needing to camp on a circle until you spawned 6 waves of 3 zombies each.
Boring as hell, but you still constantly die.
You have zero radio calls, spawn points disappear, armories arent shown on the map causing you to search for them.

Would have prefered the classic Running with Zombies mode but Nazis, US Army and Zombies.
So the zombie mode is useless especially compared to free modes, a lot of the maps are awful, so theres only the weapons left.
But they are like all the other weapons in the game and have plastic sounds.
The sound quality for weapons really should get upped with RWR2 because its universaly bad for nearly every weapon.

Overall its not worth it. In my case not only wasnt it worth the 1,50 i paid but also not worth the time to play.
I endured an hour playing the Zombie Mode until i quitted feeling like i wasted my time.

RWR brings so many good things to the table, especially its core strength, the warfare between several faction on a map competing for ground and their only idea is to remove the core strengths.
2024년 6월 14일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 3.9시간
Not bad but not great either.
Effects, Graphics and Sounds are really good.
Gameplay is ok-ish, but not really like Sudden Strike (i only played Sudden Strike 1 back in the days and maybe, but unsure a bit of part 2).
I wont several sessions and missions by just blobbing my units, use attack move on a location and win.
I remember having to adjust positions of tanks and MGs back in the day and restock ammo.

The skirmish is also ok, but kind of weird for no reason while also being a bit arcadey where it must not.

Personally, this game could have gone a more modern, replayable and unique route.
Have your troops persist between missions, upgrade them, your skills/perks and give the game a dynamic campaign.
More like a Conquest Mode (see Northgard), where you beat mission after mission gaining more perks, resources to add troops and equipment etc.

Instead it follows the standard RTT gameplay.
Thats fine, its the safe route, the outdated and boring route.
It works, but its also linear and boring, nothing special.

Sadly the skirmish Mode capturing Zeppelins to gain reinforcements is weird and not done so well, while being the only interesting mode.
Personally i found Company of Heroes to work far better and stay more interesting compared.

Theres also a ton of stuff they put in that theoretically sound cool, but just clutter the game with stuff you rarely need, like being able to open the tank hatch,
Sure, increases vision while making the tank more vulnerable, but was that really necessary?

Its ok as a budget title if you are starving for some WW2 RTT that has some depth but still stays pretty arcadey enough to not gatekeep noobs.

Not recommended at full price.
Could have been more, could have been stellar, should have arrived in modern times but maintains design concepts from 30 years ago just with a modern appearance.
2024년 6월 9일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 0.5시간
Its not awful but super cheap and jank.
Animations are bad and stiff, Bot Ai is basic and stiff (they dont move in a dynamic and natural way), graphics are actually awful.
But the worst are probably the menus and UI.
Gives a really bad impression, also is kind of clunky that way.
Gameplay is ok i guess, but because of the above feels super janky. Especially because of the bad menu design stuff like looting a body feels bad and is bad to use.
Controls or moving around feels jank too. No real movement, dont feel like running does anything.
Shooting is solid, not great not bad, but weapons are weird.
My MG has only 50 shots in a drum magazine.

Well, even for 7€ it felt like a waste and too bad to support.
Rather spend my money on something else.
2024년 6월 7일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 10.9시간 (평가 당시 1.6시간)
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As of now, pretty great.
Combat is basically as fast as you want. I progressed more Half Life 1 Style. Slow, exploring, cover shooting, no run and gun and this worked fine.
Graphics are nice, level design fun (although i have only played the first indoor levels and am now reaching outer areas, which is often a weaker aspect of such shooters, so i'll see).
Weapons have enough boom and feel good, shooting is a lot of fun.
Secrets feel a bit meh.
I have been exploring a ton and the game for example said that cards to open lockers are ever quite close, yet i have barely found one.
Secrets have mostly been just "you get +50 armor", two secrets had a bit of money, underwhelming amounts too.
An upgrade from a vending machine costs 4000 coins and from the two secrets i got like 150 combined.

Considering i have been exploring and searching a lot, finding secrets felt unrewarding.

Enemies are incredibly fun too. They react nice, have patterns, grow stronger and gain new equipment.
You can cheese a bit through levels, theres upgrades for weapons, and several mutators already in the game to define your playthrough and challenge the heck out of your skill.
Theres also a ton of graphical settings to tweak including persistent bodies/gore, destruction and objects.

I say get it. Its great.
2024년 5월 31일에 게시되었습니다.
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10명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 8.0시간 (평가 당시 1.8시간)
For the price asked its a nice little tower defense basebuilding game.
Its relatively simple and i feel like its fun comes from the random upgrades (artifacts) you get after each mission.

Its fun, looks nice, sounds nice.

What i wished for, were some more in depth systems that increased replayability like customization of loadouts, stuff i can take from a previous run to the next one to tackle higher difficulties, some more modes, like endless mode (if there is one, i havent seen it, due to short playtime), maybe even finding persistent artifacts i can use to customize my run with (maybe with downsides too).

Furthermore, i think the upgrading paths are a bit limited in choice. Basically every structure has 2 paths to choose from and thats it.
Abilities like laser or the bomb, dont even get an upgrade path although they should and personally i wished there were more artifacts in total.

All in all, for a low price you get a good game that will entertain you for some hours with enough initial depth to keep you hooked, but it lacks some expanded features that could keep you firing it up (like highscores, endless, customization and run mutators) and ultimatively hold it back from its potential.

The dev should keep investing some time adding a few more systems and features, as the basis is there for it to be expanded in any direction he/she wanted.

I really like it and its my pick of the month as of now. An Arcade Tower Defense Game.
2024년 5월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 6.7시간 (평가 당시 0.5시간)
I had a seizure/10

I played the Demo and had a lot of fun with it.
The gameplay is pretty simply in and of itself. Move forward (with branching paths and shortcuts etc) and kill stuff to refill your life.
What had me like the demo so much was the overall quality in presentation.

When the game launched, i was at first put off a bit from the quite steep price compared to, for example, Post Void, a game i also enjoyed enough to play through.
But then i thought that i liked the demo enough to anticipate the release, looking forward to play more and deeper into the content, so i still gave it a shot.

After only 5 minutes i felt the price was worth it.
The quality in all areas is top notch. It oozes details and style. But its not just glamour and bling covering up hollow gameplay.
It really lives everything it does.
It comes with Anime Cutscenes, Synth Pop/Electronic Music and fun, detailed and interesting visual presentation.
It doesnt bombard you with pointless effects and lighting to trick you believing its an active game, it places all the effects and details in a way they make sense being there.

This is also true for the gameplay.
The game offers about 8 or so difficulties, including a permadeath mode, something i wish more games would have (looking at you Amid Evil), as it motivates me to replay once im beyond normal mode (im a pleb).
Even if i never manage to beat it.

The gameplay itself is deep. You "climb" 10 stages of killing robot dudes. After each stage you get to choose an upgrade, which is a new weapon or an upgrade, adding more time, allowing better combos to gain more time, or more ammo in your magazine etc.
The clue here is, which is why i think its great, you can specialize or go broad.
I started with a 25% larger magazine and went up to 75% during my first run.
But i could also have added other stuff for better combos.

Theres also style upgrades, like an upgrade that your protagonist does oneliners.

Ending a run, allows you to pick one permanent upgrade (like keeping the last stage upgrade for the next run or adding lvl2 weapons).

So theres enough depth and replayability from that alone.
The gunplay also is varied, having melee, dash, kick, environmental damage and headshotting.
The game features several chapters.

I can fully recommend it, at this price, its incredible.
It convinced me after just 10 minutes that this is worth the price.
Its not just Post Void, its a far more expansive Post Void with 500% increased production value, style and quality.
Its a bit less of a drug experience asking you what you do with your lifetime and a bit more content rich.
Still questioning my life choices, but with more stable mentality.
2024년 5월 15일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 5월 15일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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4명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 16.3시간 (평가 당시 0.4시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
Manure Loards

I will just list a few things here to give you an idea of what you might find and how it runs, so you can make a more informed decision:

I run the game at:
Ultra, with DLSS On, WQHD (1440p), locked to 60fps.
My System Specs are:
RTX 2080, Ryzen2700X, 16GB RAM DDR3, Installed on SSD (2 years old)

The game maintains a stable 60fps when starting a new game. It dips slightly by 3 fps when constantly zooming in and out from max zoom out to max zoom in.
Nothing noticable.
Unlocking the FPS had me go between 57 and 110, moving the camera around a ton and going wild, it maintained stable performance.
Theres a sharpening option that i maxed, it maintained the FPS as above mentioned.

I set DLSS to Quality, theres also Balanced and Performance as well as Dynamic.
Quality had the above mentioned results.
The typical unshard image a lot of games with DLSS have was not present.
Using the Sharpness option further reduced any potential unsharpness in the graphics and picture in general.

Panning the camera so i can see the entire map horizontally dips it down to about 50fps.
To be expected, considering that this means maximum load on the hardware compared to panning the camera so i only can see small fraction of the ground/area (panorama view versus birds eye view).
For normal gameplay, that means i run it on a stable 60, even when wildly moving the camera around.
DLSS looks good, sharp and without any noticable problem after 10 minutes of messing around.

Mind, i have not tested performance on high density cities with a lot of moving entities, no combat and/or when particle effects come into place (smoke etc).
So keep in mind, that performance is default starting the game with nothing and longer play can lead to a reduced performance, depending on how well the game manages the additional load of animations and particles.

I have played the Demo though and back then the game also maintained a stable 60fps with at least 40 villagers and a lot of buildings.
Considering that this version is newer, i assume its also better performing.

Tons to mess around with.

Borderless, windowed and fullscreen
Any modern resolution.
FXAA, TAA, FSR, DLSS, XESS including presets (dynamic DLSS for example).
Framerate limiters
Several general settings regarding shadows, grass, lighting etc.

The game looks good.
For a strategy game allowing this level of zoom in and out, the overall quality is worthy of a 2024 game and outclasses a ton of games easily.
Together with running a stable 60fps on my hardware (i would classify it as medium range Hardware), i would say its very well optimized and offers a lot of options to customize your experience and performance.

You get 3 Scenario Presets, that range from "Relaxed Building Only (no combat)" to "Be Fast and get ready for War" and one inbetween.

It features settings so you can define your own experience, do you want Bandit raids or not, how frequent, how is economy going, what victory condition do you want.
It lacks combined settings, so you cant for example set several victory conditions that you have all to meet until you win (like Conquering the entire map and then growing your city to a certain size).

It features 9 Character Portraits. Two Women and 7 Men of different appearences.
It offers several dozen Symbols, Backgrounds and other stuff, to customize your own Banner.
You have a ton of options there to to go wild, you can save your creation, load it and even load your own textures.
Easy to spend an hour customizing there.
It has no option to upload your own individual character image/portrait.

It shows that there might be a way to load custom scenarios or maps as there is a window for that, but its locked to "early access map" right now.

The game features a tooltip based tutorial.

You dont choose your own starting position (which was a bit of a let down to me personally, but maybe i find a workaround for that).

Thats it for now.

Pro Tip:
Setting Shadow Quality from Ultra to High got me about 30 fps more.
Yes, that much.
Shadows are generally a good source of performance without losing too much visual quality in return.
You barely notice the difference between Ultra and High, but you will notice 15-30 fps more especially in the long run.
2024년 4월 26일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 5월 2일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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