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8/8 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

The choices we make

Help Candice and Leana to get off the hook.
Avattu 6.11.2017 klo 10.47

Hell for the company

Bliss is not that stupid.
Avattu 2.11.2017 klo 7.16

She saved you a bullet

Find Goldie.
Avattu 16.10.2017 klo 18.58

Be clearly obscure

Get all main endings.
Avattu 6.11.2017 klo 10.47

Tough guy

50 damage points in a single turn.
Avattu 16.10.2017 klo 18.27

Like Chuck

100 damage points in a single turn.
Avattu 2.11.2017 klo 6.26

Words are loaded pistols

Get one of main endings without a gun.
Avattu 16.10.2017 klo 18.58

Bite the bullet

Win a fight after collecting 10 police tokens.
Avattu 2.11.2017 klo 5.58