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发布于:2019 年 5 月 2 日 下午 5:33
更新于:2019 年 5 月 2 日 下午 5:45

There is some really nice content in this DLC, and this is no dig on Vertexmacht. In particular I think the terrian(map) and some of the vehicles are very nice.

My biggest issue I suppose is the price. For free, one can get RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF) and/or Community Upgrade Project - CUP on the steam workshop. I freely admit some of the content in those mods is Arma2 leftovers and not a refined as Global War. But you will get so much more content with CUP and RHS. More Planes, Helicopters, Uniforms, vests, static weapons,...everything. A full pantheon of stuff. The price does not seem to justify the limited content.

Then there is the decision to have this DLC only playable on servers that only allow DLC owners in. This is unlike the partial access all other ArmA3 DLC has. Larger ArmA3 communities will have a hard time justifying requiring members to buy this DLC, when similar and more prolific content is available for free on the Steam Workshop.

I do not intend to bash the DLC, it's content or it's makers. If you really like Cold War Germany and single player, I suppose this is not a bad buy. Just too much of a niche product. The price and access limitations over ride my admiration of the content.
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3 条留言
DonniePCgames 2019 年 7 月 19 日 上午 9:37 
They are giving the assets for free to everyone in the form of a mod now on steam. It is a great optional download so that arma owners do mot have to download the 20gb dlc
Charlie 7 2019 年 7 月 18 日 下午 7:33 
I think this being added will change a lot of minds in the community:

This goes a long way to rectify the bad feelings many of us had about this dlc. The content is nice, and this is not dig on the developers. Nice content, nice map... just not a good roll out.... For a community who is used to community mods and a different DLC compatability standard.

DonniePCgames 2019 年 5 月 9 日 下午 10:46 
The GM DLC gives us more actual content than APEX does. More objects, more items, more vehicles, more weapons. A bigger and better optimized map than Tanoa. Items like bandages... new watches, new compasses. Quality is subjective of course. Quantity of content can't really be argued against though.

This DLC is a content creator's paradise. Because of this one DLC, I can drop four mods from my typical list.