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22.4 hrs on record (16.4 hrs at review time)
Octodad back in the day was an interest gem that took physics and played it out in more ways than one as a gameplay mechanic. Years later after its kickstarter, we now have Octodad: Dadliest Catch. But what is Dadliest Catch? Is a sequel to the previous game? Is it a brand-new game? Or just a remake of the original? Well, it's kind of a remake to the original game, but adds more story to Octodad, and brings new challenges and obstacles to our beloved father in disquise.

(*** This Part Of The Review WILL Contain Spoilers - Skip Past This If You Plan On Purchasing This Game***)

Let's start with the story: After your wedding, you begin your day like any other, doing chores around the house when you'll be brought to a surprise visit to the Aquirium, where you'll learn about the past life and constant procautions Octodad must overcome while being out in Public. Overall, the story and overall humor is very corny and cheesy, but is still cheary and will bring a smile to nearly anyone's face. It has its charm to it. The voice acting in this game is pretty good - all the characters fit for what their parts are, and it adds life to the game when you hear your family talking about practically anything while you're tossing your Lawn Mower around like a maniac, mowing smile patches of grass at a time.

(***End of Spoilers***)

Now for the gameplay: The gameplay, well, how can I put it? There is no real "Genre" for this title, so I'll put it like this: It's definitly a physics-based game that uses awkward, yet sometimes hilarious movement and action to achieve any objective. It's an adventure-puzzle-solving game with physics being the main gimmick of the game. After the first level, you'll have to perform different tasks to achieve your goals, using physics and Octodad's traditional "walking" to get from place to place. Overall, the game is fun to play. As for the puzzles, I will say this right now: The Game isn't TOO Hard, yet after the first and second levels, the game's difficulty definitly rises up. So for those questioning whether or not it's a kids game or not...I'm going to say it's safe to say that this game can be challenging for practically anyone who plays it, but at the same, it's not so easy that it holds your hand all the way through, but not so hard that you won't be yanking your hair out if you fall or misplace an action or two. As for the puzzles themselves, they're all different and original - there wasn't a time where I saw the same or similar puzzle being done more than once the entire game, so every puzzle is different and most of them require different ways to complete them.

Okay, now I'm going to say this right now - while the overall game wasn't too hard, I think it's safe to say that the LAST LEVEL IS INSANLY HARD FOR NO GOOD REASON. I only have two major complaints with this game, and one of them being is the last level. For whatever reason, there is a section in the last level where you HAVE to be percise with your steps, otherwise you'll fall off, and will have to watch the same animation of Octodad climbing back up. Over. And Over. And Over. And Over Again. It's annoying as can be. Honestly, I can classify the game's difficulty as "Challenging", but I think the developers were just lazy with the last level and wanted to stretch out the game's length. It's needlessly hard, not clever, and was the only time throughout the whole game I started to get aggrivated. Eventually, though, I finished the challenge. And, honestly, I liked the Ending of the game. Funny and Adorable at the same time.

Then, we get to my second major complaint with this game, and this is probably the biggest one:

I completed Octodad: Dadliest Catch within TWO HOURS. Two, count'em, TWO hours. For a 15 dollar game? Are you nuts? Only TWO hours. Granted, I bought this game on the First-Day release sale for 20% off, but still. 10-12 dollars for a two hour game? That's ridiculous. Well, the General Game is two hours along. Is there anything you can do to increase the replay-value of this game? Nope. All you can do to increase the replay-value is to either:
A) Play the game again
B) Play the game again, cooperativly or in singleplayer.
C) Go Achievement Hunting.

And not everyone is going to be attracted to go out and achieve, well, achievements! Now, me, personally, I love going after Achievements that doesn't damage your mental state, but again, not everyone will want to go after them, making this game have little to NO replay value! It saddens me that this is my ONLY True Gripe with the game. I had so much fun playing this gem, and I still think back to it and think it was definitly worth the time spent on it...but it's such a shame that the time that was spent on it, was TWO HOURS!!!

I'll be quick with the graphics - the graphics are nice. I do have a couple graphic-design issues with the game, personally, such as The Mother's awkward model, but the overall graphics are nice, cartoony, and filled with color. My only true problem with the graphics is that there is practically three different models for the pedestrians. Everyone outside of Octodad's family looks THE SAME. Other than that, I have no major problems with the graphics and design choises with this game.

So, we're down the final thoughts of the game. Is the game worth it's price? No, but hear my out on this one: The game is FUN, FUN, and more FUN. I had a smile on my face playing this game; solving puzzles in unique ways, walking like a maniac with Octodad, and smiling and laughing at the game's Family-Friendly sense of humor. But when it comes down to it, the game is great and all, but its length is its greatest downfall. Maybe if this game was 10 dollars *At the Most!* by retail, I wouldn't have much of a problem with it, but, honestly, I think it's only worth playing at a friend's house, or buying it when it's on sale. If this game would possibly one day include an expansion pack or SOMETHING to genuinely increase the Overall Gameplay, than this game would've been worth every penny. But where it stands, it's just not worth the 15 bucks.

Though, don't get me wrong. The Folks who've made this game put a lot of time and effort into it, and I do hope more is made and brought to us. Until then, I'll be recommending this game to you all, just so long as you get it on sale, and appreciate all the game does have and bring to us.
Posted July 12, 2014.
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