Big Chungus
big big chungy
LESBIAN WEREWOLF 17/fev./2023 às 9:40 
brown clown choccy milk
LESBIAN WEREWOLF 30/jul./2022 às 7:42 
petrov comes back from 10 hour shift at steel mill finds his son wasting precious natural gas energy on 500w windows xp computer, he looks at in shock. shouts "son what is this, what are you doing". son turns and says "papa i am make u proud". petrov takes off his flat cap, now covered in sweat. "son you cannot do this, you know why-" he stops as he sees the screen. DOTA is being played in low priority queue, son is 0/24/2 tinker at 25 minutes. petrov stops. he knows what he must do. he takes a deep breath, walks into living room and takes papasha's kalashnikov from above TV. he walks back into room with son, lifts up kalash and pauses. son looks at him in confusion. petrov says "petyr my son, you are man now, you make proud of family name, here is AK for you. you are now true russian and feeder like me and papa before me. now son go, and keep all western noob low priority"
LESBIAN WEREWOLF 15/fev./2016 às 5:40 
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OT9 13/fev./2016 às 19:23 
tfw i still have you in a group called 'bae' on steam you jelly
Wolfystein 2/dez./2015 às 5:44 
Great trader +rep
LESBIAN WEREWOLF 5/nov./2015 às 9:24 
a l l a h u