Loki   Bulle, Fribourg, Switzerland
Did you heard of the famous fight on ALMADEN, during which a warrior named LT300 engaged thousands of insurgents ? Ran out of ammo, he managed even then to kill dozens of ennemies, using his own hands, a swiss army knife and a few smoke grenades, the tale says...
The NORDIC GODS, in their love of epic battles, found the fight for freedom of LT300 so impressive that they decided to take one of the Warrior's brother in arms, named CODEINE, as he felt on the first wave under hostile bullets, and let him behave as LOKI. They then gave LOKI the mission to make the fight a bit more EPIC for LT300... for their own amusement.

And then LOKI made the horde never ending... LT300 carried all the grenades he could find, cooked them off and charged the spawn, the gate of hell that opened LOKI on earth: The Mosque.

The explosion was enormous and devasting, warping the time-space continuum and distorting it...

The Mosque was no more, the gate to hell was closed.

LT300 was gone, only was found in the ruins : Mjolnir !

The GODS were so amused that they let all in place, and so then was MJOLNIR, LOKI and THOR landed on the Internet Game World.

Loki is an adept shape-shifter, with the ability to change both form (examples include transmogrification to a salmon, horse etc.) and sex (he turned into a woman to trick Frigg to learn Baldr's weakness). But he had to borrow Freya's cloak whenever he wanted to change into bird form.

In the Eddic depictions Loki mainly plays the role of a villain: a coward (when he was captured by a giant, he begged for his life and promised to give him the goddess Idun), liar (in Lokasenna, all gods called him a liar), cheater (he tricked Idun into being captured by the giant and only went to save her when threatened by the gods), thief (he stole Sif's hair and stole various things from the giants; he also stole Freya's necklace and got beaten by Heimdall who was sent by Freyja to get the necklace back[3]), and as a murderer (he killed the god Baldur by tricking his blind brother Höðr into using an arrow made of mistletoe).

What remains of Codéine, LT300 and even BlowMe ? Will they be back ? The Tales don't tell...
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