Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
11 van de 13 (85%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

A Child's Destiny

You chose your destiny at the pit of fate!
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2019 om 8:59

Safe and Sound

You uncovered the secret to Gandarf's MagiSafe 2000!
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2019 om 9:46

Wool Gatherer

You took all of the sheep's wool.
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2019 om 9:54

Wise Up

You won Brian's game of riddles and proved your wisdom!
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2019 om 10:01

Pro (arm) wrestler

You beat captain McHulk in an arm wrestling match!
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2019 om 10:03

Kitty Kiss

You proved your courage by saving a damsel in distress' cat!
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2019 om 9:59


You escaped the town of Remington's jail!
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2019 om 10:13

A Knight's Pardon

You saved Took from the hand of justice!
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2019 om 10:44


You defeated Bloodclot!
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2019 om 10:56

Foolish Lullaby

Inmates best keep quiet while escaping!
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2019 om 10:10

Eye of the beholder

More than just beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
Ontgrendeld op 1 apr 2019 om 10:39


2 verborgen prestaties resterend

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