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0.0 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 44.4 uur in totaal (41.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst: 29 mrt 2019 om 17:53
Gewijzigd: 5 mei 2021 om 16:00

Could have been a good game but just not finished... Seems to just use a small percentage of the recources available and runns like garbage (25fps midgame on low settings with 1600x / 16GB RAM / 1070TI...) I would call this abandoned... Spend your money on something else.

Its a shame tho, thuge wasted potential.

Update 05.2021: 6700XT, 32GB RAM Ryzen 5 5600x with ACE (Community Patch) Early - Midgame 23FPS regardless of details... I have given up on this game...
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