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Kell jún. 12., 11:10 
cool mate
-Z- máj. 2., 22:15 
@BlueDemise, lower than your ping.
BlueDemise máj. 2., 22:09 
What is your ping that we trade there?
-Z- ápr. 28., 22:11 
@Lefty, don't mind that I ran and gunned you down in a compound where you put down traps. Even with this 1.07 we killed all three teams.
Lefty ápr. 28., 21:49 
I'd prolly crouch in a forest if my kd was that low with that many hours. Honestly feel bad for you, you no life and you still have a 1.07 kd LMFAO
Bat Lego-Man ápr. 26., 21:13 
nice job being pedos