#Zyebot.com BTC⇄Keys Bot
Based in   Selangor, Malaysia
Actuellement hors ligne
ZYEBOT.COM - Buy or sell your CS:GO Keys with Ethereum
Welcome! You are required to add this bot into your friend list before making any transactions.

The following is the only current bot that we have:
#Zyebot's ETH⇄Keys Bot - Click here to trade but please add this bot first.

Current prices in ETH:
• Buying keys at: $1.84 per key
• Selling keys at: $1.89 per key

* Temporarily not accepting CS:GO Case Key and eSports Key.

Steps on how to buy keys from Zyebot:
1) Add this bot as a friend. (Skip if you already have it added)
2) Type !buy [quantity] in chat and this bot will tell you how much ETH with approximate value in USD you will you receive for that number of keys.

If you don't have enough ETH in your balance:
3) You need deposit the required amount of ETH to your balance to buy that number of keys.
4) Use deposit command to deposit simply by typing !deposit.
5) Type !buy [quantity] again to buy keys from Zyebot.

If you have enough ETH in your balance:
3) The bot automatically send you a trade offer with the quantity of keys you ordered.
4) Accept the trade offer and enjoy the keys :)

* We're sorry, as for now, you can't choose which keys when you are buying from Zyebot.

Steps on how to sell keys to Zyebot:
1) Add this bot as a friend. (Skip if you already have it added)
2) Type !sell [quantity] in chat and this bot will tell you how much ETH with approximate value in USD you will you receive for that number of keys.
3) Click the trade offer link given in chat.
4) Copy & paste your Ethereum's wallet address in message box. The fund will later be credited to your balance if you leave it blank.
5) In the trade offer, select all the keys that you want to sell and send trade offer.
6) After the trade is accepted, the bot will immediately send you the payment.  

List of available commands:
Basic Commands
!commands - Shows the list of currently available commands to use.
!rate - Shows the current USD/ETH rate.
!buy - To buy keys from Zyebot. It shows the current USD/ETH rate and the price for that specified number of keys.
!deposit - Shows the Ethereum's wallet address to deposit to.
!balance - Shows your current balance in ETH with approx. value in USD and how many keys you can afford with your current balance.
!sell - To sell keys to Zyebot. It shows the current USD/ETH rate, price for that specified number of keys, estimated transaction fee, estimated total and trade offer link.
!confirm - To confirm the sell order by typing !confirm [Code].
!cancel - To cancel the sell order by typing !cancel [Code].
!withdraw - To withdraw Ethereum from your balance to your Ethereum's wallet.
!checktx - To add the fund to your balance after you deposit your Ethereum to Zyebot.

Support Commands
!help - Shows the link to submit a report when you face an issue.
!faqs - Shows the answers for the frequently asked questions.

* Support commands coming soon!

How to use the commands:
Basic Commands
!commands - Just type '!commands'. (Remember the 's')
!rate - Just type '!rate'.
!buy - Type !buy [quantity_of_keys]. Example: '!buy 20' (To buy 20 keys)
!deposit - Just type !deposit. Then, send Ethereum to the wallet address given and use !checktx command.
!checktx - Type !checktx [tx_code].
!balance - Just type '!balance'.
!sell - Type !sell [quantity_of_keys]. Example: '!sell 20' (To sell 20 keys)
!confirm - To confirm the sell order by typing !confirm [Code]. Example: '!confirm HBMt'
!cancel - Type !cancel [Code]. Example: '!cancel HBMt'
!withdraw - Type !withdraw [amount_of_eth] [Ethereum_wallet_address]. Example: '!withdraw 0.3452577832 0xDc38AA03ff1fd6E8fDe7C946C53A1F64a05b2B94'

Support Commands
!help - Just type '!help'.
!faqs - Just type 'faqs'. (Remember the 's')

* Support commands coming soon!

Be sure to join our group so that you are able to:
• Report your issue in case there was something wrong when using Zyebot. We will help you solve the problem as quick as possible. If the error was because of our bot's code, you will be fully refunded (if you lost any).

• Give feedback (+rep) and share your experience when using Zyebot. We value your feedback very much in order for us to improve our service as well as helping new users to try our service with confidence. In return, we will reward (giving away keys) to the lucky users at random time. You must leave a feedback to at least stand a chance. Winners will be announced in the group.

• Complaint whatever you don't like about our service. This is also very valueable to us. Therefore, we will also reward (giving away keys) to users who gave us constructive critisism. We will evaluate your critisism and decide if you deserve to be rewarded. We will determine how many keys you should be rewarded.

• Get the latest news regarding our service such as new features added to the bot.

• Give suggestions to improve the quality of our service.
Groupe favori
ZYEBOT.COM - Speedy, secure and reliable service offering a responsive bot that will deal with you automatically for buying and selling CSGO keys using Ethereum operating all the time!
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