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This mod is what you may call a very light "remaster" of Return to Castle Wolfenstien, as it is nearly 1:1 the original game but with extra steps, as mentioned in the description:
+better weapon models and animations
+new weapons
+better textures
+new items
+more variety of enemies
+addition of cut content
+Steam achievements
and much more.

If you ever played the original RtCW, this will bring you memories with the introduction of more elements from modern shooters while supporting modern systems.

Despite all that, there are some negative aspects which can be very irritating in higher difficulties:
-enemies have almost superhuman reactions
-most of the time, the soldiers will aimbot you from long ranges using automatic weapons
-more specifically, Super Soldier's Tesla gun has ABSURD accuracy and range
-weapons will sometimes flicker and stuck in an animation
-enemies are communicating through telepathy and the stealth system is still not that great
all of these issues are even much more prominent in some of the addons available in the workshop, such as Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Single-Player

Other than that, there aren't any visible game breaking bugs or crashes. I recommend this especially for the nostalgia feeling.
Diposting pada 6 Juli 2023.
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Tercatat 41.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 17.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Metro Exodus is the third installment from the Ukrainian-Maltese developer 4A Games, following Dmitry Glukhovsky's excellent post-apocalyptic novels of Metro. After the controversy regarding Deep Silver's decision to switch from Steam to Epic Games Store services, it is known that the game was received with review bombing, regardless to eventually be quite successful same as its predecessors.

My PC: Windows 10 | Intel Core i7-6700K, 4.00GHz | Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 | 16GB RAM

TL;DR Review
The Good:
  • Excellent story. The characters received much more in-depth personalities and reactions to different events.
  • Different ways to accomplish your objectives, for good or worse.
  • Good voice acting in English, but even better in Russian. Recommend to play the with Russian dub and the sub of your native language.
  • Open environments for you to wander, meet new characters, explore for resources, and getting into combat situations almost all the time.
  • One of the best-looking games with graphics and environments.
  • New features: dynamic weather systems and day-night cycle.
  • Combat and weapons customization are very fun, both for guns blazing and stealth.
The Neutral:
  • Some glitches, not so much of game-breaking, like enemies stuck in objects, or walking/running on some landscape where you find yourself floating in the air a bit.
  • Some lengthy loading times may occur, depends on the PC hardware and the video settings.
  • Playing on the hardest difficulty disables the manual save game, which means you need to rely on autosave and checkpoints.
The Bad:
  • Main downside: performance issues with FPS drops, even on high PC specs and lower video settings.
  • FULL DIVE game mode, disables all HUD elements expect for what you see in your backpack and workbenches... for realism purposes. Not recommended as it eliminates important and necessary gameplay and story-related intractable functions (like QTE) that may make youfrustrated.
  • Does not have much of the claustrophobic and horror feelings like before. Yes, there are still some stages that take place underground, and yes, there is a bit of scary situations, but it doesn't feel the same as before (in my opinion).
  • A bug with the subtitles, when a dialogue line from one of the characters may get stuck on the screen for the remainder of the game until you either load a previous save game before that same dialogue line occurred, or restart the entire chapter.

Storyline (9/10)
After the “good” ending of Metro: Last Light, Artyom has developed an obsession that there are more human survivors living outside the borders of Moscow, and often leave his home station to search for them, much against Anna’s and Miller's wills, only to return with lethal radiation doses, lack of oxygen, or bleeding after combat with the creatures.

One day, Artyom and Anna leaves the home station together to recon the surface again, and to their amazement to suddenly find a train that travels outside of Moscow's borders. Instead, they are kidnapped and later rescued by their squad mates, a special forces team of Spartan Rangers commanded by Miller and close friends to Artyom, as well as capturing the train.

At this point, Miller reveals to the whole team that the occupation forces of NATO continued to advance through Russia even after when the nuclear bombs hit the country, therefore the remaining portions of the Russian government decided to jam all communications to the outside world and prevent from more bombs to fall, only to stay hidden from NATO and remain in shelter.

From here on, the crew nicknamed the captured train "Aurora", and are now crossing the country while seeking for a safe place to live... never go back underground.

Gameplay (7.5/10)
The game retains the basic gameplay mechanics from the previous installments, but with much more kick to it:
The developers wanted to let the players explore the lands outside Moscow by switching from the linear-style of the claustrophobic and dark underground metro tunnels, to sandbox-type environments that resembles open world, but the game does not really feature open world-style of gameplay as seen in the Fallout series for example. The maps are rather larger, letting you wander around more freely. Basically, the game features both the classic linear stages and the newer sandbox stages (where all the fun is). While in the open stages, you can now breath fresh air (sort of) while wandering around to meet many different characters, locations to explore, encountering numerous amount of enemies (both human and non-human), and from time to time just enjoying the views, the dynamic weather systems, and day-night cycle.

We are introduced with the new mobile inventory and crafting system – a backpack containing equipment and materials to craft, repair, and customize your gear and weapons as you play, anywhere you want. This is a cool feature that saves you much time to prepare yourself in between engagements, although you can’t perform every action with the backpack, as some things (like crafting explosives and cleaning your weapons) must be done using workbenches that you can find scattered around the maps, or on the Aurora.

While exploring the open maps, you can find safe houses where you can prepare your gear and use a bed to regain your health and pass the time through sleep.

The combat mechanics are very similar, but can be a bit more challenging, especially if you play on higher difficulties. While it’s fun to play stealthy and sneak pass enemies, take them down using a knife or knockout, or blasting them from close range using powerful weapons and send them out of the planet, you can still encounter some glitches, like enemies that you kill may get stuck in objects, and if you kill them stealthily using takedowns, then you could get stuck with them, rendering you helpless, with the only two ways to free yourself is by moving a lot or load a previous save. Also, in very few cases the enemies can clip through walls/doors and shoot you through them.

As you progress through the story, you will get to see many amazing scenes of action, explosions, creatures and other enemies coming out of nowhere just to make you act quickly before you may be get killed. All the scenes related to the story could also take your breath away.

Graphics (8/10)
The game features beautiful and rich vistas as well as detailed models and remarkable textures. Unfortunately, even with high PC specs the game still suffers from performance issues, FPS drops occur almost all the time. I had to play the game on very low settings, which keeps the graphics still kind of nice but not as much as with the high settings of course.

Audio (8.5/10)
Like in the previous installments, the sound quality is excellent, all for characters, atmospheres, weapons, music, etc. From time to time there are some cases where characters may be dubbed overlay each other but it's not a game-breaking.

Final Conclusion (8.5/10)
Metro Exodus is one of the best-looking singleplayer games 'here it debuted a new and improved take on gameplay mechanics and level design to much more open levels for free movement. While it suffers from numerous glitches and performances, at the end it turned out to be quite successful. I hope that the next installments of Metro (if they may ever exist) will retain the beautiful aspects of Metro Exodus, but get more attention to the mentioned unnecessary glitches and performance issues.
Diposting pada 26 Februari 2020. Terakhir diedit pada 26 Februari 2020.
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Semi-hardcore, challenging, hair-ripping games, were always the kind of games I really liked from my experience. In most of them you gotta try really hard to master towards completion, while there are others that even god wouldn't want to try out.
Save One More (SOM) is a singleplayer, strategy-like war game where you control one character - yourself - a combat medic sent to battle by doing one job: healing (more like reviving) your comrades, while taking fire without being able to return fire. This game is basically based on the 2016 war film Hacksaw Ridge .

Story Plot
There isn't really much of a story plot. Two armies, blue and orange (you're with the blue army), fight against each other in a war that resembles World War II. No unique characters, no unique objectives, no unique anything in story telling that can make your jaw drop.

This is the main (problematic) aspect of the game. Remember that your role is reviving injured comrades? Well, that's about it. Okay, so you act like a real-life red cross medic that is forbidden to carry a firearm, and only taking care of injured soldiers on the battlefield, including those of the opposite side, which also you can do in SOM .

The mechanics are rather simple. Point your mouse and your character automatically goes there. The farther you point your mouse closeer to the edge of the screen, the faster your character moves. Left-mouse click is to heal injured soldiers which you must do by getting very close to them, while holding right-mouse button initiates a "Move" command to any friendly soldiers that are standing still, basically waiting for you order to move on. All the work circles around your mouse, which is for my opinion a game-breaking mechanic.

Other things you must lookout for are battlefield traps like land mines, burnt vehicles which fire flames (WTF?), and generally anything on fire that can kill you instantly. Ah yes, you can die really fast and no can heal you.

Back to the "Move" command given to fellow soldiers, the problem with it that soldiers aren't always advancing and most of the time in order not to get shot or killed by traps, you must backtrack to order the soldiers to move on. At first I though that this game is all about being a medic, but eventually you find yourself controlling other characters, otherwise you wouldn't finish the mission.

Graphics & Sound
Both features are decent for this kind of game. Especially the sound, which itself is really nice combining the gunfire, explosions, environment sounds, etc. Another game-breaking issue that you cannot control the volume of the sound in-game, which is already pretty loud, but rather turning down the volume of your PC. While playing the game I was talking with a friend online, and I had to mute the sound of the game, this goes for SFX and music.

Final Verdict
Yup, as you can seen I haven't played for more than the time you need to finish a decent meal. Right after that, I uninstalled and requested a refund. For its current state, I wouldn't recommend to buy the game. If you really want that challenge, and don't care about being a boring challenge or with game-breaking issues, than go for it, I wish you all the fun. Overall, it's not a bad game. The concept is good - participate in a war without firing a single shot, not even carrying a weapon. All you do is save lives, good and evil. For SOM , this concept needs to be polished.
Diposting pada 1 September 2018.
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Tercatat 3.6 jam

Call of Duty: WWII tries very hard to recreate the previous WWII installments of the series, with emphasis on the dark environment of Call of Duty: World at War, which is depicted a bit nicely, though.

But, CoD:WWII is still the same game we've been playing in the past 6-7 years after when the series got stuck with the same engines, the same graphics, the same animations, the same failed system optimization, the same unbalanced games, the same Perks system... Everything stays the same -
WTF?! .

The only thing at the moment that I really wait for is the singleplayer campaign, same as every other CoD installment. Because unlike the Battlefield series, CoD always was built around deep storytelling with the multiplayer aspect been only a bonus to keep the game alive, including the Zombies in some installments.

The Cons

I'll start with the cons because this game has 99.9% cons rather than anything else, which is very disappointing.

1) For a WWII title, I don't really feel like I'm teleported to the past fighting in WWII. Like most of the early titles, this game feels like I'm playing MW2, Ghost or BO with a WWII skin over it.

2) I really miss the original CoD and its expansion CoD:UO, as well as CoD2, where you had the original weapons with no ass-tech accessories, open fields, large number of players, and even driveable vehicles!!! What the heck happened to those games? Where the hell is WWII now?

3) I really hate in games like this, that during interviews developers talk about "how they stick to realism", "using WWII historians", "using military advisors", etc. S**t, what? What realism?
- Nazi Germany flags with no swastikas.
- Fighting-Women in combat units that never allowed women to serve in in reality.
- WWII-era weapons using reflex sights, extended magazines for some weapons that were never developed only after the war, rapid-fire mechanisms... STOP RUIN HISTORY!!!!!!

4) Up to 6vs6 matches... Why? The mutiplayer has no potential if it's only built around maps and game modes that only allow 12 players in total. Where the f**k is all the fun in that? It has no real potential for a WWII game.

5) Poorly optimization, even on very low settings. This issue keeps coming back since CoD:BO (if I'm not mistaken), meaning that since 2010 no one involved within the developing circle of CoD has ever fixed the optimization issues. We're in 2017, WAKE THE F**K UP!!!

6) Unbalanced game, unbalanced weapons, unbalanced hitboxes. Say it with me: Un-ba-la-nced, U.N.B.A.L.A.N.C.E.D.

7) Matchmaking system... I really don't want to explain the amount of frustration I have because of it.

The Pro

Well, if it's worth something... The only thing I personally appreciated in the game is the sound quality of the weapons, explosions, artillery, etc. Nothing more than that.

In Conclusion

At its current state, this game for me is barely 4/10. I wouldn't recommend it at all.
Diposting pada 30 September 2017.
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Tercatat 5.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 4.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
A simple, action-packed, stationary-FPS, IS Defense is all about destroying waves of ISIS fighters. Why? Because who gives a flying f**k about ISIS anyways? :D

Here is my review for the game:

You operate a stationary position armed with a machine gun and a rocket launcher. Your mission is simple: Defending your position from endless waves of ISIS fighters, attacking you with ground troops (suicide bombers included), fast-attack vehicles armed with machine guns, as well as Zodiac boats and landing crafts which deploy enemies in missions with beachheads.

While defending your position, continuously killing enemies grants you Skill Points, with them you can upgrade you skills, from weapons to reinforcements and fire support.

Also, you get the option to call in 5 different assets:
1. Cargo Plane [b/] - a C-130 randomly drops 2 crates of either extra health or extra rockets, sometimes both of them.
2. Infantry Support - a squad of 8 riflemen to assist you with the fighting. You can call the infantry squads as many times as you like. Friendly fire is on, so don't kill your own guys :P
3. Artillery - fire mission of artillery shells dropping on the battlefield for a short period of time.
4. Airstrike - ultimately the best asset against large presence of enemies which you can't fend off, a group of 3 F-16s will drop bombs across the battlefield.
5. Attack Helicopter - an Apache attack helicopter is deployed above the battlefield, killing the enemies from anywhere they come.

The game includes 4 missions with each one is unlocked by killing a specific amount of ground troops and vehicles in the previous mission in order to advance.

The Good
If you really want some anger relief, this is one of the games that actually does that. With the amount of endless action and enemy waves, also being ISIS... Just sit back, relax, have a cold drink, a snack, and never raise your finger from the fire button.

The Neutral
While the game is described by the developers as a side-project, don't expect to get a Call of Duty-style fast-paced gameplay or a NASA-super-computer graphics and effects. Though released in 2016, the graphics and special effects are mediocre, but not alarming enough to make you regret it. It's not the graphics that you should worry about!

The Bad
While I really like this game, after buying it during the Steam Summer Sale in -50% for just 2.99$, I played for about 3.5 hours straight and completed every mission and unlocking every upgrade. The game is relatively short, also not very much challenging as soon as you completely upgrade you skills.

Something else that disappointing me is the minimally variety of enemies to kill. No, I didn't expect a building-sized MECHs, but maybe some tanks, APCs, etc. Your own support is also minimally attractive. After calling-in the infantry squads a few times, I expected to get also some friendly vehicles to add a little more taste to the battlefield. The helicopter wasn't enough for me, to be honest... :(

The game would also be great if it had cooperative feature. What is better than killing ISIS with your friends?

Final Verdict Score: 7.5/10
Personally I wasn't disappointed entirely from the game. I will keep playing it, as well as recommend it to other people. Too bad it's a bit repetitive, but oh well... Still fun as hell :D
Diposting pada 1 Juli 2017.
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