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게시 일시: 2013년 11월 26일 오전 8시 49분

--- Review as of Update 11 ---

The game is really fun and good. It's free to play so you can't complain about it. The game can be played in singleplayer or with other people(max 4 in group). Playing with others makes the game more fun. There is no vs in the game aside from some dueling areas. These are optional though. The rest of the game is co-op. Parkour your way through the levels and find the secret locations on the levels. They will mostly reward you with extra credits from lockers and such.

There are different planets and different factions. There will be some repetitive rooms here and there that you will notice. But the room layouts is always random. Clear all the levels and upgrade your weapons and warframes. Craft or buy more weapons and warframes when needed.

Upgrades are done by levelling up the weapon or warframe to max level 30. For each level you will get a mod point. With a mod point you can add mods you collect during the levels. Each mod adds something to the weapon/warframe. For example: Fire damage, higher crit rate, more health, ect. Mods can be upgraded to a certain level. Once you reached the max level of a weapon/warframe, you can change the add or change a symbol of one of the mod slots. but this will reset the weapon level back to 0. I will leave a link at the end of the Warframe Wikia

There is a lot of content in the game that will keep you going for a while. Getting craftin matarials, completing levels, playing hardcore levels and go to the Void. which are harder areas but they repay you better.

There are 2 different kind of ingame currency. Thos are Credits and Platium. Credits you will get by completing levels or selling your stuff. With the credits you are able to buy blueprints and stuff from the clan you joined. Platium is used to buy the weapons and warframes directly. Without any need of crafting them with a blueprint. It saves a lot of time. But Platium can only be obtained by buying them with real money. Luckely you aren't able to buy the best stuff. There are better weapons and warframes obtainable in the game which requires you to play.

It's hard to go into the details of the game. It's better to read a guide. Luckely they have an in-game tutorial in the game which explains you the basics. The rest you have to figure out yourself. Reading a bit on the Warframe Wikia is usefull. I did this a lot and I still use it here and there.

I would say you should definitely try out the game. It's free so what do you have to lose. They are updating the game pretty often. Mostly fixes and small things. But every 2-3 months they will release a big update. Check the game out, grab some friends to play with and enjoy the game~

Warframe Wikia[warframe.wikia.com]
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