Chinese counter strike players (I shall refer to them as squints) are the worst type of player imaginable. Squints are worse than the Russians, the Brazilians, the French, the Turks; the list goes on. Whereas the aforementioned groups may rival the Squints in sheer toxicity, they do however posses the ability to actually be good at the game. The Squints have the extraordinary ability to not only suck at counter strike, but suck at every aspect of the game in a manner that can only be described as remarkable. Only someone that has had the misfortune to have played with Squints before could understand just how terrible of a teammate they can be. The typical CT Squint can normally be found at the top of mid Inferno, having peeked mid unsuccessfully for the 8th round in a row, only to achieve similar success for a 9th time. The delusion inside a Squints mind leads them to believe that the problem is not in fact with themselves, but in the Squints team, who have selfishly forced him to undertake his 10 second journey from CT spawn to mid and sacrifice himself for the good of the party. Upon hearing displeasure from his unfortunate teammates (and potentially receiving advice on how to better play) the Squint will simply either tell his team to "shahd da ♥♥♥♥ up u bish", ignore all advice, or team kill the person attempting to reason with him. Truly a remarkable race of people. Sha-bi.
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suss Sep 7 @ 7:04am 
hey king. I saw your tweet about how women are trash and I just wanted to let you know that I agree. although I myself am a woman (i know ugh) i am on your side. “one of the good ones” as some may say. btw I never even noticed how fat your ♥♥♥♥ is till now but it's awesome
suss Sep 2 @ 6:01pm 
The World's Supreme Gentleman™
nand0 Aug 31 @ 3:02am 
If this guy every calls a strat you better ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ listen. Would of made it to 1st OCE if it wasn't for a blatant cheater in the finals. Shut your mouth and follow the strat if you want to win. You guys think you know it all until his intuition and game sense kicks in. Zeppelin has an eye that sees ALL surpassing your primitive minds. Crosshair placement and game sense as though he has relived this counter strike era multiple times . You're all ♥♥♥♥♥♥ if you're reading this and are on the other team. Good luck. You are dealing with an entity that's not from this world and let God have mercy on your soul if you ever challenge this guy to a competitive match. Seek forgiveness from the almighty zepellin or should we call call him gagenzeppler now. You have no idea what you're up against..
suss Aug 14 @ 9:56pm 
Yeah, I don't snort my sperm anymore. I just eat it 3 to five times a day and it wakes you up from trances. Sadam husein eats his own sperm on southpark the movie calls it a triazamite then does the sperm dance cuz that what triazamite sperm dancers do especially if it's your own. Scrumpalumptious special message from del taco
nand0 Jul 2 @ 4:17am 
fun fact - when zepelin invited me to his first professional team i had him on my ban list as i do with all other cheaters. trash game. anticheat getting bypassed since 1999
kirAAA Jun 19 @ 6:13pm 
Signed by kdog. FYI: I'm getting a vaccine as I write this so if I start tadsfsnjdfsij fg jf gdfg f jj gfd