Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

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24 van de 24 (100%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

You have seen nothing yet...

Die 5 times.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 8:25

Smash them!

Smash 20 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 23:22

Smash some more!

Smash 50 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 23:56

Survivor of dragons

Beat the Dragon's Nest challenge in campaign mode.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 9:46

Keep on smashing!

Smash 100 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
Ontgrendeld op 21 aug 2019 om 0:26

Completely smashed!

Smash 150 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
Ontgrendeld op 21 aug 2019 om 1:29

How it all started...

Complete the first arena in campaign mode.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 8:48

The story unfolds...

Complete the second arena in campaign mode.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 10:11

Dramatic conclusion...

Complete the third arena in campaign mode.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 23:05


Collect 6 cards.
Ontgrendeld op 21 aug 2019 om 1:30


Collect 10 cards.
Ontgrendeld op 21 aug 2019 om 3:56


Collect all 14 cards.
Ontgrendeld op 21 aug 2019 om 3:56

Poor farmer boy...

Die 15 times.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 8:36

This is getting awkward...

Die 50 times.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 9:42

I can't take this anymore...

Die 250 times.
Ontgrendeld op 21 aug 2019 om 4:00

Death wish

die 1000 times.
Ontgrendeld op 21 aug 2019 om 4:17

Spare some change?

Have 500 coins in your wallet.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 23:22

Middle classy

Have 1000 coins in your wallet.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 23:26

Coming up in the world...

Have 2500 coins in your wallet.
Ontgrendeld op 21 aug 2019 om 0:07

All your coin are belong to me!

Have 5000 coins in your wallet.
Ontgrendeld op 21 aug 2019 om 0:55


Die by a direct hit from an icicle while in mid air.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 8:28

Cheer up kiddo!

Beat the first balloon challenge in the campaign mode.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 8:40


Beat the first cauldrons challenge in the campaign mode.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 8:29

It's on like...

Beat the boulder madness challenge in the campaign mode.
Ontgrendeld op 20 aug 2019 om 22:08