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Recenzii recente de xImSaltySebi

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If you're not that much of a reader: Just go to the "Some final words" section

At first I really like the colors and the design of the UI. Although I would change one thing: Make it available to the user to change between a permanently visible sidebar and a sidebar that becomes visible when you press the Menu-Button. (Would decrease the clicks needed to navigate between the individual menus)

Weird things i noticed:
(I don't know if they are like that on purpose but for me it just makes no sense)
If you have drugs in your inventory, one thing i noticed is that if you get approached by cops and you surrender, you go to prison and lose your inventory contents. If you try to run and you get catched anyways, you go to prison and keep your inventory contents.
If you get arrested and end up in prison, you can just scroll down and then you see the menu where you can buy and sell your drugs. So getting arrested is not really bad right now.
(Because if you try to run and get catched, you keep your drugs in the inventory, and you are still able to trade while in prison)

A bit about gameplay content:
You start the game with 60$ and need a bit of luck in the next few weeks to be able to buy weed for a cheap price. So it's depending on RNG if you have to delete your save and start a new game. Not really bad though.
After a few trades you have enough money that you cant really get bankrupt anymore. (As long as you don't have high monthly costs by buying expensive houses or so)
After about 45-60 minutes of playtime you reach a point where it gets really boring. At this point I already had the best weapon bought so I could easily win fights against cops or rival gangs. I also had enough money to constantly buy new cocaine and then sell it for a better price.
After you got the best weapon (which is not really expensive compared to houses, warehouses or cars) you dont really need any car because you don't need to try to run anymore. You basically just click "Next week" until you get a good buy/sell price to trade your stuff. Sometimes you get approached by rival gangs or the police. You can easily fight them though because you already got the best weapon available. So there is no real enemy for you. Sometimes you have to pay some money to the hospital to get your HP set back to 100.

Some final words:
Colors and design of the UI are good.
I encountered two things that were a bit confusing to me. But no heavy bugs that would make the game unplayable or something like that.
The start is a bit rough because your success is depending on whether you get good RNG for the drug prices or not.
After about 30 minutes into the game you already traded so much cocaine (most expensive drug in the game - for buying and selling, also most profit potential) that you can buy the best weapon. You don't have to try to run away anymore because you can just fight back the enemy.
After about 45-60 minutes into the game you are pretty much in the endgame. Only thing you really have to do is to buy and sell drugs to maybe buy better warehouses or something like that.
I would not recommend buying the game in the current state. There is not that much content to experience. As I said you are pretty much in the endgame after 60 minutes. And for that, the price of the game is way too high in my opinion. (6.89€ in Germany - About 7.50 USD)
Looking back I think I would buy it for a price of maybe up to 2€ (About 2.20 USD)

Some words to the dev:
If this is your first game: Overall I like it, just not for that price tag. Keep going with what you're doing.
I have some ideas to improve the game and the amount of content/playtime if you are interested. Just message me on steam or tell me how i can contact you. (I already wrote a whole book here and I don't want it to get any longer kekw)
Postat 16 iulie. Editat ultima dată 16 iulie.
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Recenzie CS:GO
Beste gameeeeee
Postat 7 august 2018. Editat ultima dată 1 iulie 2019.
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