United States
Dear Sweaty Meta Duelists,

I hope this letter finds you well, or at least with enough humility to comprehend the words that follow. I must express my growing frustration with your incessant obsession with exploiting every nook and cranny of the game mechanics in Elden Ring, reducing the joy of discovery and genuine challenge for the rest of us.

Your relentless pursuit of the "meta" has turned what should be a realm of creativity and diverse playstyles into a bland battleground of repetitive tactics. It seems as though you have forgotten the true essence of gaming—an opportunity to immerse oneself in a world filled with wonder, mystery, and exploration.

While I understand the desire to win and dominate in any competitive environment, your unwavering dedication to optimizing every aspect of your character build has tipped the scales of fairness and fun. It is disheartening to witness your calculated maneuvers, exploiting imbalances and glitches, as if victory is the sole purpose of your existence.

I implore you to reconsider your approach. Remember that Elden Ring is not solely about asserting dominance over your fellow players. It is about forging connections, engaging in thrilling battles, and experiencing a world carefully crafted for our enjoyment. By clinging to the meta, you deny yourself the chance to truly savor the rich tapestry of experiences this game has to offer.

I challenge you to embrace variety, to explore alternative playstyles, and to rediscover the joy of experimenting with different builds. Let go of your relentless pursuit of statistical superiority and rediscover the sheer pleasure of discovering new strategies and approaches that are not dictated by an arbitrary set of optimized numbers.

In closing, I ask you to reflect upon the impact of your actions. Remember that the true essence of gaming lies in the community and the bonds forged through shared experiences. Let us come together and celebrate the beauty of Elden Ring, rather than succumbing to the narrow path of the sweaty meta duelist.

Yours sincerely,

A Passionate Player
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unit092 May 12 @ 12:09am 
Mr. Smug May 6 @ 5:02pm 
sorry for the rot, high lat
cadmanson Apr 29 @ 11:57pm 
fun fights man
Lightseeker Hyetta Apr 25 @ 2:43pm 
extreme laggard avoid this player
13th Apr 11 @ 10:38pm 
TheShroomster Apr 8 @ 2:17am 
hope this is the right guy, I loved the fight club! GG and I hope to see more fun pvp like yours