Tiempo de juego de las últimas 2 semanas:

Ver estadísticas de logros mundiales
Debes haber iniciado sesión para comparar estas estadísticas con las tuyas.
0 de 10 (0 %) logros conseguidos:
Logros personales

Unlocked Flesh World!

See, the world is made entirely of flesh so that makes it a Flesh World

Unlocked Planet Tronne!

pew pew pew lasers does anyone look at these descriptions i bet not

Unlocked Candy Land!

i once ate 3 metric tons of gummy bears and then my heart EXPLODED

How immature.

Threw more than 69420 of something into the pit. You knew this was gonna show up at least once.

Turn your first material INFINITE

Woah dude.

First Steps!

Reached level 100 of the ISOPOD!

Getting Higher

Reached level 500 on the ISOPOD!

Look at you go!

Reached level 1000 on the ISOPOD

Unlocked M&M!

(I put on my tie and pocket protector)

1 logro oculto restante

Los detalles de cada logro se revelarán una vez desbloqueado