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5.9 hrs on record
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What if the world you know is only an illusion? What if you’re really only a reflection of yourself? What would it be like to live in a the mirror world? What would your future look like if your reflection died?

Serena is a renowned actress, but she is not our protagonist. You play as Iris, Serena’s reflection. Still Joking is Purple Brick Games’ first release on Steam. The world you play in is an inversion of the ‘real world’. Everything is the same but slightly dissimilar. Even though Iris is a reflection, she is her own unique woman. She is audacious, sarcastic and spontaneous. She enjoys being the reflection of an acclaimed personality. But when Serena is abruptly murdered, Iris has to contend with the implications. Who is she without Serena? What does her future hold now that she is free?

The games begins with the murder of Serena, Iris’ prototype. The community motto is ‘Reflect &amp; Forget’, but sometimes that is easier said than done. Iris has difficulty separating her own life from Serena’s. She is torn between finding out the truth or starting a new life of her own within the community. The community incorporates everyone whose prototype has died. They are now free to build lives for themselves. Dora takes Iris under her wing and offers Iris a choice to volunteer for an expedition. These expeditions are important to the community. The reflections need some land to live on after the deaths of their prototypes. The goal of these missions is to explore and research the void. The void encompasses undiscovered areas that have been abandoned by prototypes in their own world due to natural catastrophe, relocation, etc. For an area to appear in the void, it has to disappear from the prototypes’ world. It’s extremely dangerous work. The void is unstable and everything that comes into contact with it is instantly destroyed.

Reflections are different from their prototypes in a couple of ways. First and foremost, they don’t age the same way and they live a lot longer. Another distinction is that in this mirror world people use energy to create whatever they want and then to stabilize it. This energy is depleted by the act of creating but is renewed through sleep. But all is not rosy in this community. Everything out of reach of a mirror gradually degrades. Iris has to grapple with this new reality. The trauma of seeing her prototype murdered in front of her is hard to forget.

The community is separated into two groups: the scientists and the effectors (or practitioners). Every person coming into the community will eventually have to decide which group to be part of. This is just one of many choices Iris will have to make. There are many different paths and endings, and every main character has an in-depth story of their own.

Saying that this game is a visual novel would be reductive. It is so much more. The basic format is that of a visual novel, but it includes a lot of interactive elements. There are many possibilities, and your choices will dictate how the story unfolds. There is also an interesting murder investigation mechanic. When it comes to interrogating a subject in Still Joking, you have lots of freedom. You can choose in which order you ask the questions, and that will require some reflection. Will the subject be cranky after too many questions? Should you ask the most important question first or work your way up to it? How do you want to ask these questions? Are you going to be friendly or pushy? There are so many combinations to choose from.

This game has a compelling cast of characters and weaves intricate relationships between all of them. The characters are multifaceted and complex. They are easily relatable. It is part of what makes Still Joking so riveting. I love all the little details that are woven into the storyline. Another interesting detail is that when you revisit a scene, the image becomes black &amp; white to signify that it’s in the past. These are the kinds of small features that make a difference in a game. There is one feature that I would have liked to see but that was missing; there are no voiceovers. However, the variety of music and sound effects make up for this lack.

Still Joking features an intriguing narrative and gorgeous artwork. The characters are complex and easy to love. They are very authentic with their realistically flawed personalities. I’ve played for several hours and I feel like I’ve only just scratched the surface. This game has tons of content, several different paths to play through and many endings to explore. I especially loved the murder mystery and the investigation mechanics. Just like Iris, I felt compelled to uncover the truth about Serena’s murder and couldn’t stop playing. Adventurers, visual novel lovers and anyone who loves a good mystery will enjoy Still Joking.

  • Many paths and endings to explore
  • Complex lovable characters
  • A murder mystery to solve
  • Beautiful artwork

  • No voiceovers
  • No trading cards yet

Final Score: 8/10
Still Joking is a gorgeous game with relatable characters and a captivating detailed world. It is an adventure you won’t want to miss.

Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!
For more reviews and giveaways, join us at Zeepond[www.zeepond.com] and The Cpt Froggy Club Steam Group.
Posted June 3. Last edited June 3.
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8 people found this review helpful
5.9 hrs on record
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You wake up alone in a bedroom. You get up and walk out the door. Everything and everyone looks unfamiliar to you. You can’t remember where you are. You’re scared, and your anxiety is rising. Is this even real?

Asleep is a psychological horror indie game. There are plans for four chapters, but there is no set date at the moment. It has been developed by Black Hole Games and published by Nuuvem.

Asleep is set in the Brazilian Northeast of the 90s. You play as Ana Lucia, a young girl plagued by nightmares. You first wake up in an unknown bedroom, so you get up and start exploring your surroundings. You’re confused and everything feels strange. Eventually you come across a woman who asks you to find her little girl. The only place you feel safe is the bedroom, but you’ll have to gather your courage and step out of the house. While you wander around the town, you’ll meet some terrifying monsters, and all you have as protection is your old flashlight. A main part of the game is about unravelling this mystery, so if you want to know what happened to Ana you’ll have to play and find out for yourself...

Many important themes are brought up in Asleep: anxiety, nightmares, and even insanity. The storyline that has been constructed around these themes is very engaging. You never quite know if what you see is reality or your imagination. Even though this is only act one, it is still a self contained story in its own right. The developer has succeeded in creating a sinister atmosphere. The game doesn’t hand you the storyline, but it lets you discover it through collecting messages and drawings as you play.

I played with a keyboard/mouse combo, but you could also use a controller; they both work equally well. The gameplay is relatively simple - a point &amp; click mechanic for the most part. Walking and running uses WASD keys. The items that you can interact with will sparkle slightly. I love the combination between the more traditional point &amp; click gameplay with horror; it works well together. There are light puzzles, mostly lock and key. The main objective of the game is to find the little girl. The whole map thus becomes a big maze. It’s nothing too complicated, but it does add some depth. The horror elements come mostly from the environment and some monsters. There is also a psychological component with Ana Lucia’s internal struggles.

Asleep is visually very beautiful. The game is done in a 2D pixelated style while the cutscenes are animated in a more realistic style. I love the art style, especially the cutscenes. Although they are scattered, I found them to be one of this game’s best features. The dark colour scheme of mainly blacks and purples fits perfectly with the horror theme. The music and sound effects add another layer that helps to create a great horror experience. The voice acting is also spot on. It sounds professionally recorded.

The area covered in the game is of good size. What I didn’t like is that although the town is of a fair size, the map still feels empty. There are a lot of doors and entrances in the town, but unfortunately most of them are not available to enter. Only a couple of story-related areas are accessible. It does feel like the developer tried to make the town feel bigger than it in fact is. Another design choice I found perplexing is the singular save file. In this type of game you’ll want to reload a previous save when you die so you don’t have to restart. It’s usually nice to have at least the possibility of two. For some reason, the map only shows up in Spanish even though my language was set to English. It didn’t stop me from playing the game, but it would have been nice to have it in English.

All of these are smaller issues, but there is one bigger flaw that I came across while playing. I didn’t finish the first puzzle in time (which was to unlock a door) so the monster unlocked and started attacking me. This shouldn’t normally be a problem as I should be able to restart at the same spot and complete this puzzle. If there had been more than one save, I could have reloaded a previous one. After dying, I tried to return and complete this puzzle. The problem is that when I attempted to do this, the monster was already unlocked and wouldn’t even let me get to this door without killing me. This door is important in the game because you have to go through it to progress. I had to uninstall, delete the data and reinstall the game to solve this issue. It has just released so I hope that those issues will be fixed, but it might deter some players from enjoying their playthrough in the meantime.

Asleep is a visually outstanding game that offers a spine-chilling retro atmosphere which will keep you on your toes. The pixelated atwork is perfectly suited to the 90s vibe the creator was going for. The gameplay is simple yet engaging. It is not very long, most players should finish it in 2 to 3 hours. I would definitely recommend the first act of Asleep to point &amp; click and light horror fans, provided that the issues are solved.

  • Impressive artwork
  • A mystery to unravel
  • Interesting sinister atmosphere

  • Map feels a bit empty
  • Very short
  • Some fixes are needed

Final Score: 6/10
Asleep-Act One is a compelling first entry. The stunning visuals, mysterious storyline and sinister atmosphere all work together to create an engaging experience.

Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!
For more reviews and giveaways, join us at Zeepond[www.zeepond.com] and The Cpt Froggy Club Steam Group.
Posted May 27. Last edited May 27.
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8 people found this review helpful
11.0 hrs on record (10.1 hrs at review time)
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The Empire of Tongs Delta needs you! Answer the call and become a transporter. Transporters are important in this arid land where a lost message can spell disaster for a whole town. You’ll be transporting mail of all sorts aided by your best friend, a giant magical turtle. While roaming the land you’ll meet a friendly cast of characters. The inhabitant of Tongs Delta are always happy to stop for a chat. Work through the regions of Tongs Delta to finally reach your goal of meeting the emperor.

Little Odyssey is a relaxing adventure game. This indie game is developed and published by a single developer, Simon Fita. This is his first big project, and he seems to be very passionate about it.

The Empire of Tongs Delta is separated into three settlements; Longshore, Star Rock and Grand Plains. You’ll start your adventure in Greeting town, a part of the Longshore settlement. Here the region’s forwarder will give you a temporary transporter license. The forwarders are tasked with managing the transporters and helping them. Your job consists of carrying parcels, letters and other objects to the citizens of the communities. Be careful though, because in the desert a sandstorm is always a moment away. In Longshore, the main quest consists of rebuilding the broken bridge, but before you can accomplish this you’ll need some money. You’ll need to complete several smaller tasks to earn some coins. Once you earn those precious coins you’ll be able to buy fruits, upgrades for your turtle, and tons of fun hats. Each settlement has its own main quest that you must fulfill before passing to the next area.

Little Odyssey’s colourful artstyle is very cute. The aesthetics are reminiscent of Paper Mario. It really fits the cozy atmosphere of the game. It’s the type of game where you wander around and enjoy taking in the sights. The world is surprisingly large for a small game, and I just loved wandering around admiring the different views. The sound effects are interesting; you can see the developer cares about the details. The music was good, but unfortunately I found it repetitive after spending a long time in the same settlement.

The controls are simple: to walk or ride your turtle you’ll use WASD, to mount your turtle F, and to interact E. You can also hit the space bar to advance automatically, however you must still manually steer with WASD. You can move and zoom the camera using the mouse. The most important aspect you have to keep your eye on is your water level. The Empire of Tongs Delta is a desert so carrying water is vital. You drink at the well to refill when your water has run out. If you are on the road, eating a juicy fruit will replenish your water part way. There is a day/night cycle. During the night, the temperature drop makes your water level go down faster. That is not a problem, since one of the first items you can buy is a sleeping bag. You can use it to sleep through the night. Each settlement has different merchants. Every merchant has a limited number of items that are for the most part different from the other shops. You gain coins by completing quests which you can find on boards in each region.

The tutorial consists of tips that show up in the right corner. I didn’t find it very user-friendly. If you don’t happen to be looking when the tips appear you might miss them. The game is not very complicated, but there are still some things you need to learn. As an example, in the beginning of the game, my water level was low, so I dismounted my turtle and went to the well. It took me a couple of minutes to realize that I had to ride my mount to the well so it could drink to refill my water provisions. In the end I did figure it out. It’s not a huge issue, but it would’ve made my life easier had it been specified.

Certain aspects of the game could use some improvements. When opening your backpack, you have to press a key, but as soon as you release it the backpack closes. You have to keep pressing the key as long as you want to look in your backpack and it’s the same with your journal. I find that to be a strange design choice especially since you’ll have to click items in your backpack to use them.

Another issue that I ran into is the travel pace. At first I quite enjoyed the slow pace of my ride since it gave me the chance to relax and take in all of the beautiful sights. After a while it became slightly tedious. There are several ways you can quicken the pace temporarily. Eating a fruit or petting your turtle gives you a short boost. You’ll also come across some snakes. When you interact with the snakes they sing, and it also gives you a slight boost. However these snakes are rare. Finally, after completing the second region, you gain access to the port where you can take rafts to the different settlements. There are two problems with that; it’s a little late in the game to acquire “fast” travel, and secondly the rafts only leave at a set time. It only leaves once a day for the Grand Plains settlement, so while it’s faster once you’ve boarded you still have to wait for it. Since the whole premise of this game is to deliver stuff throughout the world, having a pace that slow kind of takes some of the enjoyment from the game.

I enjoyed wandering around the Tongs Delta with its lovely visuals and relaxed atmosphere for quite a while. Nonetheless in the end the slow travelling pace, the shallow characters and the occasional game crash took from the experience. Having said that, I believe the game has a lot of potential. I will be keeping an eye on any future updates. It’s evident that this developer has put a lot of love into this game, and I trust that with time and updates it will be a game worth playing.

  • Interesting Paper Mario-like aesthetics
  • Cozy and relaxing atmosphere
  • Cute collectible hats!

  • Characters are one-dimensional.
  • The dialogues are practically non-existent for secondary characters
  • Riding pace is painfully slow
  • Occasional crash
  • Several quality-of-life improvements are needed

Final Score: 6/10
Little Odyssey is a relaxing adventure game with a charming Paper Mario visual style and cozy environment. With some upgrades, it has good potential.

Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!
For more reviews and giveaways, join us at Zeepond[www.zeepond.com] and The Cpt Froggy Club Steam Group.
Posted May 21. Last edited May 21.
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8 people found this review helpful
5.7 hrs on record
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If you’ve always wanted to see the world, or just love to discover new places without having to leave your home, AVI Games has got you covered with their latest game. The seventh entry in AVI’s Big Adventure: Trip to Europe series has just been released on Steam.

In this game, you’ll follow a lovable family of four on their European vacation. This newest expedition will take you on a tour of several beautiful countries and landmarks around Europe. There’s so much to see! In Switzerland, you’ll visit the breathtaking Staubbach Waterfall, and from there you’ll see the fantastic Mykonos island in Greece, a Maltese fishing village, the sophisticated streets of Paris, the marvellous Trevi fountain in Rome and so much more.

Big Adventure: Trip to Europe 7 is a classic hidden object game. Each HOG scene brings us to a different European location. You are first introduced to the city in which the scene takes place via a short synopsis. I really enjoyed reading these little blurbs - some of the information was new to me and quite interesting. It made me feel like I was truly part of the adventure. Afterwards you’ll see a list of items to find at this stage. There are mini-games consisting of light puzzles with varying degrees of difficulty that take place between the levels. The puzzles are quite diverse, so there’s not much repetition; there are match-2 with mahjong type tiles, variations on a labyrinth kind of puzzle, swap tiles, find the way, and others.

Every scene hides a friendly raccoon and a stamp, in addition to the list of items to hunt for. Each stamp you collect is added to your stamp book, which you can consult at any point during the game. Furthermore, there are souvenirs that you can buy to add to your display. To gather these keepsakes, all you have to do is play the game. The more points you collect, the more money you get to spend on these collectibles. You’ll end up with a souvenir for each country you visit. Additionally, this collector’s edition is packed with extras. It has 10 extra levels, lots of bonus puzzles, wallpapers and even a music player to listen to the 20 music tracks that are included.

Given the fact that the basic mechanics of hidden object games are fairly simple, you might think that a game like this would get boring fast, but the developer has found some interesting ways to mix it up. They achieved this is by modifying the basic items list. Certain scenes have silhouettes instead of written words, some have images, rebus puzzles, and even patterns (instead of having the word cat, there’s an image of his fur’s pattern.) There are also times where there will be objects in a list, and you’ll need to place these in the right spot. It adds some challenge and variety to the game, all of which helped to keep me entertained throughout. Another great aspect of the game is that there’s no time limit, so you can do the scene as quickly or as slowly as you wish.

Big Adventure: Trip to Europe 7 is an interesting example of the hidden object genre, one that I would recommend. I’ve played so many HOGs that end up becoming extremely repetitive due the basic mechanics of the game, but this is not the case with the Big Adventure: Trip to Europe series. The developer has found some very clever methods to keep it fresh, with a fair amount of variety in the game itself as well as the extras. The scenes and puzzles were challenging enough for me. I played until the end!

Whether you’re new to the Big Adventure series or a returning player, you won’t regret picking up this seventh instalment. Big Adventure: Trip to Europe 7 was a fun and relaxing way for me to spend the five hours it took me to finish. If you like puzzles and brainteasers, you should definitely give this game a try. You’ll want to keep playing until the end to see where you go next!

  • A lot of variety in the hidden objects scenes
  • Challenging mini-games
  • The Collector’s Edition has tons of perks

  • No Achievements
  • Expert players might find the hidden objects scene easy

Final Score: 7/10
Big Adventure is a fun and relaxing HOG for casual players featuring plenty of variety and bonus puzzles to keep you entertained for a cozy afternoon. Experienced players may find the challenge lacking.

Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!
For more reviews and giveaways, join us at Zeepond[www.zeepond.com] and The Cpt Froggy Club Steam Group.
Posted May 17. Last edited May 21.
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49.0 hrs on record
Darkarta: A Broken Heart's Quest is a hidden object adventure game developed by Tuttifrutti, an Italian developer new to Steam. The main character is Mary and her daughter was just kidnapped. Sophia, Mary's daughter, was taken by Darkarta, the dark lord of a mythical parallel world. He's extremely powerful but to cast his immortality spell, he need an innocent soul, Sophia. Mary will have to go to Darkarta's world if she ever want to see her daughter again. On her adventure she'll also end up finding more about herself and her past.

The story is about what you would expect from any good HOPA. It's a well written story and well worth reading. There's some part that are a bit cliche, but for a newcomer he did a great job. The graphics are nice and colorful even though the quality varies. The game is generally visually pleasing. My only complaint is that when you get to the cut scene it looks somewhat out of focus. It's not an isolated problem with this type of game, but a rather common theme. The scene and HO scene on the other hand are of excellent quality.

The HO scene are challenging enough and there's a good variety. There's many puzzles some are simplistic but most are well balanced and offer a nice challenge and are fun to solve. Although I found that some of the puzzle could have benefited from a clearer explanation. If you don't feel like solving a HO scene, you can always opt for a game of match-3 instead. For those who like to acquire achievements, this game as a lot of them and they're fairly easy to achieve. The game offers all the options you usually find in that type of game, a diary where you can read the story you've already seen, a list of objectives you have to do, a map which is very helpful since you sometimes have to backtrack to complete the story and of course it's much faster to travel through the map.

Darkarta offer several hours of gameplay and for a very reasonable price. I enjoyed playing it and do recommend it to anyone who like solving a mystery or just love a good story. There’s several difficulties to choose from so it’s great for both beginners and adept of the genre. For a first time developer Tuttifrutti did a fantastic job and I’m looking forward to see what comes next.


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Posted August 4, 2020. Last edited May 5.
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17 people found this review helpful
9.0 hrs on record
House of 1,000 Doors: Serpent Flame is the 3rd game in the House of 1 000 Doors serie. Once again you play as Kate. Giant snake are coming up from underground and wreaking havoc across the earth, and you are the only one who can save the day! Your mission is to gather the elements needed to complete the machine that will destroy the ancient snake coming to destroy the world. To do that you will have to travel back in time to four different era. The story is really engrossing and the puzzles are just perfect; hard enough to be challenging but not too hard that they break the flow of the story.

  • Just like the other games in this serie, the story is very well written.
  • There's a hint system if you get stuck and all puzzles are skippable.
  • The puzzles are well integrated in the story.
  • For HOG's lovers, there's lots of HO scenes.
  • Differents mode you can choose from, meaning it's perfect for either the beginner or hardcore HOG fans.
  • There's a map that make travelling between location very easy and painless.

  • The graphic are very nice but the cut scene are lower quality and don't look as nice.
  • The bonus story is usually a follow up of the main story but in this case it wasn't so it can be confusing. Still a great episode on it's own though.
  • The HOG can get repetitive a little as you have to find objects in the same scene in some instance.

I really enjoyed the House of 1 000 Doors series and this installment is no different, it's a well crafted story and there's a lot of content for the price. Whether you're just starting playing HOG or have been playing for years, this game is sure to keep you entertain!
Posted June 28, 2019. Last edited May 29, 2023.
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7 people found this review helpful
2.8 hrs on record
In Scarytales: All Hail King Mongo, you play the princess. Your father, the king has disappear and you brother who is being controlled by the evil sorcerer is now in power. You'll have to rescue them by defeating the evil Zarrar. A hidden objects game with a fair amount of puzzles Scarytales is entertaining. The story should take you between 1.5 to 3 hours to complete if you take your time. The graphics are not amazing for this day and age but fairly decent. the HO scene are challenging at time but not very hard so are the puzzles. If you get stuck on a puzzle at some point they are all skippable and there's a hint system you can use if you ever need help but as I said the game is not that hard when played on normal mode.

  • A nice balance between HO scene and puzzles.
  • There's a hint system if you get stuck and all puzzles are skippable.
  • The story even though it's not original is entertaining and well written.
  • For HOG's lovers, there's lots of HO scenes.
  • You can choose between normal or hard mode.
  • A slider let's you choose the volume of the music

  • There's no map so it's up to you to know where to go and you end up backtracking but the locations are pretty limited it's fairly fast to find where you should go
  • Not necessarily a con to everyone but I found the story to be pretty unoriginal but it is well written.
  • The graphics are not bad but also nothing spectacular and some scene are better than other so it's not consistent.

All in all, I enjoyed the time I spent playing Scarytales: All Hail King Mongo, it was an entertaining 2 hours. It's a fun game with a nice storyline. The puzzles and HO scenes where challenging enough to keep me entertain through the whole game.
I recommend this game to all puzzle's fan out there and for the novice, this would be a good starting point.
Posted June 6, 2019.
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12 people found this review helpful
4.9 hrs on record
Under Leaves is a hidden Object game pure and simple. On a map of the world you are given many different locations, each location is a different stage to complete all related to different animals indigenous to the location on the map. Each stage is beautifully crafted. A real work of love! The fact that each level has a certain color scheme give it a certain style but also makes it surprisingly challenging, just enough to keep my interest through the whole game.

  • For those who likes the extra challenge, there's 29 achievements. One for each stage and one extra for finishing the game without help.
  • Each stage is beautifully crafted, you can tell that a lot of work and thought went into each one. A real work of art!
  • Each stage is random, the objects you have to find are never in the same spot, so you can replay it indefinitely.
  • The objects are not so easy to find so it's a very good challenge for HOG veterans.
  • Enough content to keep you busy for about 2-3 hours.
  • Nice soothing music that fits well with the game

  • Honestly I'm having a hard time finding any cons to this game, the only warning I might give is don't be fooled by the cute and light graphics, this game can be very hard. If you're not into HOG maybe start by something easier. As seen in the screenshots, the style and monochromatic color scheme can make it hard to find the hidden objects.

A cute and well thought out hidden objects game that will keep you entertain for several hours. If you like puzzle and HOG, this game is a must have. It is certainly well worth the small price tag of 5$.
Posted June 2, 2019. Last edited June 3, 2019.
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10 people found this review helpful
0.4 hrs on record
How to be Best Russian Game Developer is a game only in name. You can get all the achievements within 10-15 minutes and after that, well let's just say there's really no incentive to continue playing. Even at the low price of a dollar it's still too much for this "game".

  • For those who care about achievements, really easy 100%

  • No tutorial and no hints at all which makes it hard to know what any of the upgrade are about
    and what to do with them
  • Litterally mindless clicking and no incentive to keep playing once the achievements are done
  • Rather boring asset flip
  • It could have been a very funny satire but it doesn't feel like the dev put that much effort
    in their game

I really don't how this game has a positive rating but save yourself and just don't buy this game, there's really no redeeming qualities whatsoever to make this game anything else than an asset flip. Even if you're an achievement hunter, there's a lot better games out there that gives you easy achievements and are still enjoyable. Stay away.
Posted March 20, 2019. Last edited March 20, 2019.
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6 people found this review helpful
2.9 hrs on record
The Fan is interactive horror point & click game made completely with pictures, you get to play as the killer and have to go around to find object while uncovering a gruesome story of kidnapping and murder. Honestly there's not much gameplay per se, it's more about discovering what happens with the victims. If you like a good thriller then that might be the game for you but otherwise don't bother.

I'm really on the fence about this game, I still gave it a thumbs up because it's really not a bad game and you can tell how much work was put into it but it's also not a good game. I didn't pay full price and I would recommend you only buy it when it's on sale.

  • Made with a lot of love, a lot of work clearly went into this game
  • A very unique and well crafted story

  • Extremely short for the asking price. In a little over an hour, I finished the whole story and looked at every single item there was in the game more than once
  • The story might upset some people as it is very gruesome
  • Even what there is of gameplay is really not challenging (you have to find some objects) and they're not really hidden so you can't even call it a HOG.

I would give this game a 5/10, if I could give it a neutral rating although I think it has some potential. I would really like to see the devs dig deeper into the story and add more gameplay. A couple of puzzles would have been a welcome addition to this game.

In retrospect, I'm happy I tried it but it's not a game that will stick with me. If you must get it do so only when there's a good sale!
Posted March 9, 2019. Last edited April 30, 2020.
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