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Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 22.2 tuntia (7.2 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 28.1.2023 klo 10.21
Muutettu 28.1.2023 klo 10.25.


In Dead Space, you are Isaac Clarke, an engineer sent on a repair mission to USG Ishimura, a gigantic spaceship that also seems to have lost contact with the rest of their mission. But you quickly realise this will not be your regular run-of-the-mill task as you discover that the entire vessel seems deserted, bodies have risen with blades for arms, they’re spewing acid, want you dead, and oh, the church is also involved?

🟩 Pros
🟥 Cons
It will make you anxious
Satisfying encounters
Some mechanics did not age too well.

is Dead Space a good remake?

Dead Space is a third-person shooter horror game with gloomy corners, little to no lights, and metallic hallways that could potentially hide a monster at every step. The atmosphere is frightening, and your only mean of survival is to dismember your enemies.

We can also start by praising the development team for what seems to be an impossible feat lately. A game was released and was functional and optimised adequately on Day 1. Throughout my gameplay (so far), I never encountered a single frame drop or a loading screen. The transition in action is seamless.

Gameplay-wise, the mechanics have been refreshed and are adding a whole new spin on Dead Space; the Telekinesis and Stasis are getting some significant improvement and proper tools in your arsenal; you are not confined to one way of playing the game, even though nothing will separate me from my plasma cutter. Each gun is enjoyable to handle and provides a unique way to use it, depending on the situation. The difficulty levels are significant in HARD and above and seem just enough for Normal. The completionists will have a solid task ahead to complete the game without dying once. Finally, maybe it was the force of habit, but it took me a minute to remember that there is no dodge button, loyal to the original gameplay and reminding you that it has been 15 years. Furthermore, replayability is essential nowadays; Dead Space offer the possibility to play in New Game +.

The ambience is superb. Dead Space truly shines in the inclusion of modern graphics in the game, the metallic hallways, every dark corner, flickering lights, and the anxiety of an incoming jump scare. Every little detail has been used to put you in the universe of Isaac and make you feel like part of his adventure. The sound design is crucial in the game as it alerts you of enemies you haven't seen yet (looking at you child-monsters-on-walls); the engine noises, the random screams, sobs, and voices are developing more anxiety than having to host my wife's family over for the holidays. The music also goes along the situation; you forget it's here, but it switches between light tension, full-blown heart attack and deafening silence, which makes your heart race. Finally, different collectables offer tidbits of information, lore and audio logs; all add just enough to the general theme without being a chore to find or essential to the game.

The story did not change from the original, except that you are now part of it. Isaac Clarke has lines which contribute a lot more to the immersion. This is probably the weakest part of this remake as it remained untouched primarily, without being a negative in itself due to it staying loyal to the original content. The addition of different dialogues, lines and other elements was welcome.


It is now time to answer the original question: yes. I think this remake performs better than its predecessor in many aspects.

Dead Space stayed faithful to the original game of 15 years ago; purists should not feel concerned. Dead Space kept the same gameplay ideas and mechanics from then and improved on them a little bit. What sets this remake apart from the rest is that a whole new generation of players that can't build up on nostalgia will be able to explore the franchise in a modern setting. The graphical facelift is superb, on par with modern technology, and all the added extra details contribute significantly to the general ambience and atmosphere of the game.


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