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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 224.4 hrs on record (37.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: Feb 23, 2022 @ 4:45am
Updated: Aug 23, 2023 @ 1:36am

After spending hours upon hours in the previous two, I bought this one and I have to say I'm having fun but I feel slightly disappointed.

The game's factions all feel diverse when playing, hitting the mark on what they should be doing. Kislev's units show how well they adapted to their harsh lands with a majority of them being hybrids while Cathay adheres to formations by benefiting when units of different kinds are next to each other.

The demon factions feel distinct as well, from Khorne's blood driven gruesome campaign to Nurgle's slow but steady painful slog.

The art style sure nailed it and it's amazing to see some of these models from Warhammer in the game.

The campaign though is very disappointing:
The realms of chaos feel like a chore with little to not reward. Also, the respective chaos factions still receive a debuff from being in their own realm too long. Why is Ku'Gath, greatest plague maker, affected because he spends too many turns in the realm of Nurgle! The first cutscene even shows him coming from there initially!

Now for the biggest disappointment of them all: The reward for finish the campaign, no matter the faction, is you getting Belakor as a lord. That's it! No tie-in with what your faction wants, no nothing! What the heck guys!

Overall, I like the game, but we need that Immortal Empire release to actually get the ball rolling.

August 2023 Edit: CA's decision to increase DLC prices by 150% (not to 150%, but by 150%. We're talking more than double in price) as well as other practices have turned my review from positive to negative.
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