Umami Lombardi
Massachusetts, United States
rest in paradise, King Ralph -
blue bird from boston
free melee ALTE#521


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KingCon 5月13日 15時48分 
Just marking my territory dont mind me fellas :KSmiley: :KSmiley: :KSmiley: :KSmiley:
Floyd The Pig 2月7日 21時23分 
Been the goat frfr
Juno 2021年11月1日 10時37分 
It's BAD to like anime!
Post this on the wall of a HUGE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ WEEABOO and tell them how DISGUSTING they are
Zee Dawhg 2016年7月25日 21時59分 
This is an automated message sent by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. We are to inform
you that you are now on a watchlist, and that you are to be monitored 24/7 as of now. Your actions have concerned us, and we are in suspicion that you are a potential risk to society and anyone around you. Due to the fact that you often search up various topics on the internet that concern illegal sexual activity and human trafficking, you are now labeled as a could-be predator. Here are the various things you have searched up in the past months.
- "howmake girl pregnent"
- "how do buy small child"
- "how is babby fromed"
- "how dos raep work"
- "how can get arrwest for rep"
If you have not searched up any of these topics, please contact a representative of the Federal Bureau of Investigation at once to fix this major error by calling (310) 477-6565.
Juno 2016年6月23日 16時12分 
dingus dongus crimbo dungo haha woooo
Juno 2016年5月14日 19時09分 
whats up dood