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Közzétéve: 2015. máj. 23., 22:43
Frissítve: 2015. máj. 23., 22:58

Multiplayer matching server seems to be down. A lan option was available but I neglected to try it as it seemed pointless to use hamachi or tunggle just to play a retail, multiplayer game that isn't "really" multiplayer. At least update the description to reflect this. Also had to install an outdated 'Legacy' driver for physx to get it to work at all.
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8 megjegyzés
Halogen 2017. jan. 2., 21:23 
R.I.P all possiblity of English...
[UC]Uber 2017. jan. 2., 17:24 
Yer funny. Yes. I am indeed, "FUCKING SMART". :) If by 'whining' you mean your gay. Then yes, I am whining. lol. I gave an honest review. I apologize if it hurts your vagina.They sell a cream at the local drug store for that. Go get yerself some so it's not so itchy anymore.



Happy New Year!
Halogen 2017. jan. 2., 14:44 
Wow you're just fucking smart are you not?

Go whine to some one who cares about this stupid logic you are using..
[UC]Uber 2017. jan. 2., 14:12 
Jesus. 2017 and this guy *points* thinks false advertising on a game doesn't deserve a bad review. The game store page CLEARLY states that both MULTIPLAYER and COOP are part of the game. Which they are not. Let me try to break down for you, let's say the game store page said, "Has controller support" but it didn't or maybe it said, "English" but was actually in Russian? Let's says it said it was a, "FPS shooter" but was actually a platformer? What then Mr. Smarty Pants? Is your game still super awesome cool? For who exactly? Mentally disturbed or drug addicts? I'll change my review when they update the store page to reflect the fact that it has 0 (notta') multiplayer or coop until then my ballz still (very firmly) rest upon it's chin. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Your Mother 2017. jan. 1., 1:23 
well firstly, this game was made in about 2005 ( I believe), and the company has since ceased to exist so, yeah, the multiplayer servers have been down for awhile, and back then, the focus wasn't on multiplayer as much. it was back when games were made well, with a good campaign and a pegged on multiplayer, rather than a multiplayer with a pegged on campaign. that being said, you can still use LAN and use Hamachi/ Evolve/ Gameranger etc to easily get this game to work. This is still a great game, you're just too lazy to give it a chance.
Halogen 2016. febr. 12., 6:48 
If you buy games for multiplayer you are a sad, sad person...
[UC]Uber 2016. febr. 11., 21:51 
It most certainly is, the game sux. I am not 'fixing' an already awesome review. If you advertise something as being available in your game and it's not. Shit game. End of story. Maybe you should try getting some online friends to play with and then you can start appreciating how crucial multiplayer is for any game.
Halogen 2016. febr. 11., 16:46 
Multiplayer not working is not a reason to give a game a negative rating.. Please play the game, and fix this review..