Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
No ♥♥♥♥♥ given. Lei Wulong flow mowing

For my fellow Tekken addicts, this song sums it up pretty well : :-)

My Lei Wulong Youtube Channel
When's Lei?!
MrGoukiTV May 31 @ 2:45am 
Fhilian Apr 24 @ 3:58pm 
Good King! It was fun!
stone. Mar 16 @ 2:27pm 
stop the get up kick ♥♥♥♥. its not worth it. GGs :angry_tk:
IAO Mar 12 @ 3:08pm 
what happen to your game bro hahaha
razjuan Mar 2 @ 12:57pm 
oh well. gg ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
razjuan Mar 2 @ 12:57pm 
so bad honestly. if i was you i'd maybe watch some mainman or maybe try learning an easier chararcter, you're clearly struggling to play king