Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
8/21 (38%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

High Competence

Own a level 3 crew of every specialization (fire, police, medic).
Avattu 15.9.2019 klo 14.33

Spice It Up

Start the game with a mod.
Avattu 14.9.2019 klo 6.20

Ready for the Worst

Reach 100 crew members.
Avattu 15.9.2019 klo 14.33

Slush Funds

Get your first grant.
Avattu 15.9.2019 klo 14.16

I Fought The Law And …

Get your first suspect processed.
Avattu 15.9.2019 klo 3.04

Wealthy beyond belief

Have 1.000.000 T during a single scenario.
Avattu 14.9.2019 klo 8.42

Access All Areas

Unlock every available item during a single scenario.
Avattu 14.9.2019 klo 8.11

Early Retirement

Finish San Francisco Hard with more than 1.000.000 T
Avattu 16.9.2019 klo 14.17

The Pain Train

Successfully complete the Train Wreck emergency in the Berlin Scenario.

Maximum Aggression

Successfully complete the Stronghold emergency in the SF scenario.

Build Frenzy

Have a room on every available tile in any scenario.

Air Support Wing

Own all three helicopters in a single scenario.

In High Regard

Reach the highest reputation cap in a scenario.

Heroic Action

Successfully complete an emergency with less than 20% success chance.

The Anthill

Have more than 150 crew members

Rule of Law

Have more than 60 police crew


Lose due to bankruptcy


Lose due to not having any more crew left


First crew member quits

Peak Performance

Finish a scenario with 100% success rate

California Love

Successfully finish San Francisco Normal