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5 z 9 (56%) osiągnięć zdobytych:
Osiągnięcia gracza

Fresh Recruit

Completed at least one level.
Odblokowano: 24 czerwca 2017 o 1:09

Battle Tested

Emerged victorious from at least one combat.
Odblokowano: 24 czerwca 2017 o 1:26

Surgical Striker

Used a precision strike to disarm an enemy craft.
Odblokowano: 27 czerwca 2017 o 9:28

Warfare Technician

Unlocked Ship Design through combat.
Odblokowano: 28 czerwca 2017 o 2:17

Battle Engineer

Unlocked Module Design through combat.
Odblokowano: 2 lipca 2017 o 3:01


Beat the game.


Beat the game with Silver on all levels.


Beat the game with Gold on all levels.

Lone Wolf

Defeated an entire gas giant system with a single ship.