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Publicada el 17 ABR 2016 a las 9:33
Actualizada el 17 ABR 2016 a las 9:36
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FPS games are not usually my cup of tea, but DOOM?
I was *HYPED* about this.
Come on, it's ****ing DOOM. If you were a gamer in the 90s and were not hyped about the remake, you might want to check if you still have a pulse.
Unfortunately, like most modern day AAA titles, the game just does not live up to the hype.

Bethesda decided to use the multiplayer portion to give us our first impression of the new DOOM. Either they had no idea it was so bad, or they thought it was representative of the game... and I really don't know which is worse.

This game is clearly supposed to sell teenage gamers the idea of an experience similar to what their parents or older siblings played in the 90s, in an arena shooter format similar to Quake 3 (you can't really spell "ID Software" and "arena-style combat" without bringing up Q3 as one of the genre). Unfortunately, for someone like me, who grew up with those games, this game feels like none of them - it's just a forgettable generic modern shooter #3579 in a superficial Doom skin.

1. Player movement is slow and plodding. Doom was fast. Quake was fast. Quake 3 was fast. Take their demos (I did just to make sure it's not my memories playing tricks on me) and see how movement speeds feel there: snappy, responsive, fast like a freight train full of murder fueled by raw adrenaline. Compared to them, this game is simply sluggish like a doped up sloth in a tar pit.

2. The classic arena shooters were built with the idea that weapons were powerups as one of their core concepts - basically, every weapon was supposed to be what this game now defines as "power weapons", and knowing where your prefered weapons spawn on a given map was crucial to the gameplay. This is gone here - you start with two weapons you can freely choose, and the only ones that can be picked up are "power weapons" that appear from limited spawn points (from what I've seen there's only one or two of those per map - campers ahoy!).

3. Weapons feel WEAK. Due to the loadout system, they had to be balanced against each other - yeah, that means the shotgun, machine gun, plasma rifle and rocket launcher had to be made pretty much interchangeable, and actually pretty wimpy. I'm sorry, but when someone gets a direct hit from a bloody rocket launcher, they should die in a shower of gory bits, not tank several more missiles before going down. The "power weapons" are the only exception, but you spend 90% of the gameplay without one.

4. There's no rush to the gameplay, none of the speed and aggressiveness that characterized Doom, Quake or the seminal arena shooters. Those games were non-stop orgies of mayhem fueled by raw adrenaline, pausing - briefly - only when someone else fragged you - and it was glorious. This game simply feels slow and boring in comparison.
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7 comentarios
LilyPaws 2 ABR 2018 a las 6:55 
well niggas yall were wrong cause the campaign is fucking awesome
Burn 28 ABR 2016 a las 4:57 
this review was listed on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsNQ2Hd2NMs at 01:22
MadamVonCuntpuncherThe19th 18 ABR 2016 a las 17:53 
Dont forget this is a beta guys my PC isnt strong enoughf to run this game but i did get to play the beta on PS4 and your definitly right the guns do feel pretty week I mean the quote on quote "Heavy Assult Rifel" is honstly more of a big expencive pea shooter but I honstly have high hopes for the multiplayer being amazing in the auctuall release of the game and if they auctually listen to the Doom fanbase it will be amazing. Just remember theres a world of difference betwene a Beta and Finished project... well unless you Sega of cource.
Zakku 18 ABR 2016 a las 16:09 
See this is one effective review that is right on the money without being a PC elitist about it.
fractalwizz 18 ABR 2016 a las 14:27 
With that in mind, I think the SP campaign will be worth playing. However, idk if it'll justify the $60 pricetag....
The Fifth Horseman 18 ABR 2016 a las 14:25 
@fractalwizz: Indeed. What I was referring to is that Bethesda is trying to market the game using ID's established brand - and multiplayer explicitly so, as seen on the store page:
" Return of id Multiplayer : Dominate your opponents in DOOM’s signature, fast-paced arena-style combat. "
fractalwizz 18 ABR 2016 a las 14:19 
I would argue the issue is not with ID software, but with Bethesda... - They chose Certain Affinity to develop the multiplayer, who is known for developing the multiplayer facets of Halo/CoD... - If multiplayer was SOLELY developed by ID, this'd be a much better fan experience...