cameron walker   Maryville, Tennessee, United States
you must already know im awesome because i have a steam account and made the theory.... get on steam....get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and if you follow my theory closly you wont be looking at my amazing beautiful awesome profile and you will be in bed with 10 cloned megan foxes making you sandwhiches and other nasty deeds and if you must know about me im #81 on the new york jets no not really but i am #81 on my football team and dont ask me to play any multiplayer games that are on ps3 xbox360 ect ect... i only play pc exclusives or mmorpgs only on pc on here: battlefield heroes, planetside 2, star trek online, elder scrolls online, any rpg multiplayer on pc only and any pc only game ever made you know the deal well im gonna go make some arab money
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